[b]Name:[/b] Tomoyuki "Tomo" Harushima; "The Sentry" [img]http://i.zeze.com/attachment/forum/201506/14/134550nnifxhxoxf2qwoxu.jpg[/img] [b]Power Suit:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/eb/18/ce/eb18ce6509001552b33ef5d5d2d4bdf5.jpg[/img] [b]Age: [/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Hero[/b] [b]Powers:[/b] By himself, Tomoyuki is a skilled martial artist, mostly in Karate and aikido. However, he usually relies on his power suit, which can make him fly incredibly fast, up to mach 2, and much more agile. It also gives him additional protection from most attacks and gives him the ability to view things in thermovision and scan buildings for any people inside. It also allows him to have superhero strength, able to lift things up to 10x the weight that an average human can bare. [b]Weapons:[/b] His power suit comes loaded with many different kinds of weapons. The palms of its hands can fire blue volleys of plasma energy at his opponent, and can also transform into cannons if he needs more firepower. The back of the suit can also reveal 3 pairs of rockets that can be fired and track the opponent via AI. The chest can also open up to unleash a powerful chest-buster cannon, which is one of his most powerful attacks. It also can produce an invisible shield that can withstand many powerful projectile and psychical attacks. [b]Personality:[/b] Tomoyuki is incredibly intelligent and quick thinking, able to fix almost anything electric. However, he is usually solitary and prefers to work alone. While one would think that his incredible wealth is all that he cares for, this is not exactly the case. He feels that he can focus and accomplish more on his own, though doesn't mind some help here and there. However, he occasionally suffers from depression after the loss of his parents, which is another reason why he usually wants to be alone. Yet despite his lone wolf demeanor, he cares about humanity a lot and will do whatever it takes to help. [b]History:[/b] Tomoyuki was born in a wealthy, high-tech, family in the heart of Neo-Tokyo. His father owned a rich corporation that dealed with state-of-the-art electronics and technology, while his mother worked alongside him as 2nd in command, but usually stayed and worked at home as a family wife, as well as taking care of little Tomo. He went to many private schools, starting from Middle School, receiving the highest quality of education. He went on to become a brilliant genius, specializing in advanced tech and electronics, just like his father. He really did live the life every child desired. However, tragedy struck after Tomo's father got a heart attack, while testing a new prototype of a power suit that he hopes will be used to help soldiers in battle, crashing into the ground and suffered from broken ribs, back, and internal bleeding. The doctors did all that they could to help him, but unfortunately were unsuccessful. He died 2 hours after being in the operating room. Before he died however, Tomo's father announced that his son, who was already 15, to take over his position as CEO, along with his wife. Despite being utterly depressed over the death of his father, Tomoyuki revisited his father's prototype power suit and began to work on it himself, testing it safely and carefully, while adding new gadgets to it. After going through 3 marks and lots of testing, by the age of 18, Tomo finally made the perfect suit. However, by then, his mother was the victim of a vicious car accident, leaving her dead on the spot. This made the young man even more depressed, to the point where he thought he would commit suicide. Yet as he gets into his suit so he can crash it into the ground and kill himself, he sees a young girl getting attacked by a rapist in a back alley. Quickly forgetting his ordeal, he comes to the woman's aid and quickly puts down the threat with a blast of his hand beam, killing him instantly. The woman gladly thanks him, even calling Tomo a life saver and even a superhero. It was from then on that Tomoyuki had a new objective in life. He commits himself to become a hero and savior of Neo-Tokyo, saving lives whenever he can, which he does to this day. He even goes as far as giving him a nickname, known as "The Sentry". He also has plans to make different kinds of armor, many of which will be much more different to his regular power suit, suited to different situations. Already he is famous throughout the city in helping people in many precarious situations and even in taking down some crime as well. [b]Weakness:[/b] Tomoyuki is mortal. While his armor gives him protection, it is still vulnerable to many powerful attacks. In addition, it does not last forever, as it has a battery life Without it, he's much more vulnerable to attacks. He also has an obsession with donuts, they being his favorite food. [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5koepEEiYU[/youtube]