"Achieng!" Angus looked up with a smile at their resident alien's arrival; a creature that delighted, thrilled, and fascinated him in equal measure every time he saw her. Space Mermaids! Brilliant! Of course, she wasn't [i]really[/i] a space mermaid- her strange and unique biology not even close really. But still, Aquatic Beings from Space, it was close enough in his books. He loved nothing more than to learn about life from her unique perspective, and seeing her moving among them, even in her nifty little chair, would ever get old. Not to mention that he found her cute as a button- a shiny unusual space mermaid button. "We're just doing the final checks now," He waved her in and gestured to the open spot next to him as strapped himself back down in his chair. "Have a spot and fasten her down- we'll be leaving for the final jump in a jiffy so you might want to be securely seated. Who knows what kind of turbulence this space-dingy will shake us with once we get her going!"