Strider spoke out as he entered the room, [color=00aeef]"Lots of shaking. Plenty of painful jerking. The occasional scream from our good doctor here. Lots of entertainment for the whole crowd."[/color] He said smugly as he took his seat and buckled in. From the past 5 minutes of listening to the doctor through his old intelligence sensors he had installed around the ship (without anyone knowing), Strider had already determined that the good doctors personality would get on his nerves. Regardless, he had a mission; which was more than he could say for the last 2 years of his [s]unemployment[/s] administrative retreat. Strider opened his wrist communicator and spoke up, [color=00aeef]"Command. This is Strider. Postponing the ECM/ECCM package reconstruction. I'll get it working once we're on the other side.[/color]"