[@AbysmalDemon] Greg got up and hopped around the little dragon cooing as he did so, it seemed to be a kind of mating dance that Greg was doing to the dragon. Why he would do this to a dragon of all creatures was beyond anyone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [@ArenaSnow] Lance turned his attention to the dwarf that had just entered and smiled at him. "You look like someone who's had a bad day! Nothing better than some good food and drink to make it all better though eh?" Lance said with a smile. He had no care for what race someone was, so long as they knew how to be merry he had no problems with them. Some people had already backed away from him due to his rather odd rants with the ceiling as of late, he had also been pounding on the bar as of late which made more people stay away from him for fear that he was crazier than he looked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@Silen Syanka] Gibelle came upon another small town. She could smell another dragon near by. She entered the town and found what seemed to be a girl who looked rather angry at the world. Gibelle smiled to herself as she approached the girl. Her royal guard velociraptors were hiding in the trees as to not draw attention to themselves. "You know humans have many uses. There are reasons to keep them alive." Gibelle said as she walked up next to the girl from behind.