[center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/sleepingtusk/cooltext121379925606950_zpshefzcr4z.png[/img][/center] Mercy glanced at Tony with a measure of concern in her eyes as he seemed to choke on his whisper, she briefly closed eyes and focused on the muffled voices. [color=lightseagreen]"Not quite...though I'm pretty sure I heard Kaylah's voice, I couldn't make out exactly what she was saying...something about a bite"[/color] She finally answered in a low murmur, flicking her eyes open she sheepishly peeked over the table catching a flicker of movement she inhaled sharply before she realised it was Chris and the other shadow must have been Cat. Despite her animosity towards him she couldn't help but be marginally impressed by his smooth and almost graceful movements as he slunk down and into the store Dog and Kaylah had disappeared into. [color=lightseagreen]"They're in the store"[/color] Hesitantly the blonde stood up, scanning the store fronts that she could see before checking out the upper levels, she licked at her lower lip nervously consciously trying to keep her heartbeat as slow and even as possible. Whoever had shouted could have unwittingly notified every zombie within their vicinity of where they were, she chewed her lip indecisively for a moment before she crouched back down next to Tony. [color=lightseagreen]"If we hug the wall and stay low, we should be okay to move in for a closer look...I saw Christina and Cat heading over there"[/color] She murmured, glancing around them before steadily getting back to her feet. As she did she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, pain slithered through her chest as she felt her pulse quicken. She turned to inspect the shops around them as she waited for Tony to get to his feet as well, feeling her grip tighten on her bow as she did. She was unsure whether her mind was playing tricks on her or not but she could have sworn she had seen something move past the doorway of the Subway across the way from them. [color=lightseagreen]"...I've got a bad feeling about this"[/color] Mercy murmured, edging around the table, making sure Tony was following close behind before she crossed the food court, heading towards the store where the others were. She couldn't stop herself from glancing over her shoulder a few times as she moved, sometimes to see whether Tony was with her but mostly to inspect the Subway counter whilst it was still within her sight. Providing Tony had stuck with her she was outside the store within a matter of minutes, just in time in fact to catch the tail end of Dog's speech. The blonde couldn't help but agree as she thought of Cat, an unwelcome image of Ash's demise sprung to her mind causing grief and rage to seer her insides. Though they couldn't reach the entrance without crawling under the display window, Mercy came to a stand still next to the window glancing back at Tony before carefully peeking around the corner and in the window. She could see the young girl with her gun raised, she could only assume the girl was pointing it at Dog and Kaylah, though the clothes rails were blocking anyone else from view. [color=lightseagreen]"I can only see one, young girl, she's got a rifle"[/color] Mercy murmured to Tony, leaning back against the wall in case he wanted to see for himself, meanwhile her eyes scanned the foyer in search of Christina. [color=lightseagreen]"See anyone else in there? I didn't-"[/color] Mercy spoke again, leaning out to peer through the window though she was cut off as a gun went off and the glass window in front of them shattered into a thousand pieces. Mercy spun away from the glass trying to shield Tony at the same time, the sound of the gunshot split the peaceful silence within the mall and seemed to echo around them almost drowning out the jingle of the glass shards as they bounced across the floor. [color=lightseagreen]"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap"[/color] Mercy gasped under her breath, feeling her ribcage constrict around her racing heart as she willed herself to get up out of the sea of glimmering shards now occupying the stained marble floor. She couldn't quite bring herself to, as her breathing became ragged, tearing free of her throat in painful gasps, the world around her became uneven, swaying back and forth as if she were sprawled across the deck of a ship. She was so panicked she hadn't even registered the warm sticky substance trailing down the right side of her neck or what had happened inside the store after the shot or whether it had finally drawn anything out over in the food court. All she could focus on was the glittering floor beneath her hands which were still tightly secured around her bow and an arrow.