I have a post being written on word that kinda starts some action. Nothing spectacular, just some hollows and stuff. It's probably pretty poor quality cause I wrote it while I was still a little under the weather. I'm gonna try and finish that soon since I believe we really don't have much more to say in terms of introductions. Also I do have an NPC for Aghast to interact with. Consider him to be the Trusty Patches of this roleplay. EDIT: Actually the other option for you Indian is to just advance through the area towards the Hellkite Drake so you can join in on that boss fight. The NPC can join you if you want. Or you can sit and wait there but I wouldn't want you to miss out on any big fights. If you can be bothered writing it up, you could probably even make your way to the Theophilus boss fight. I'm probably gonna post tonight, since I have to do a few things online for work today.