Strider looks at his wrist communicator for a few seconds before flipping a switch on the control panel. The lights on the ECM/ECCM indicator lit up slowly. "[color=00aeef]Huh. Will you look at that. We didn't blow up. That's a good sign.[/color]" he said cautiously as he examined the boot up sequence. "[color=00aeef]I was actually about 80% sure that it'd blow up with all the enhancement I made. I was kind of looking forward to the fireworks in space.[/color]" he said under his breath as he entered a few commands on the control panel. After 30 seconds he got on his wrist communicator again, "[color=00aeef]Command, ECM/ECCM package is running at 85% output with only 50% power. All enhancements are clear and synced with the ships systems. Requesting Full ECM/ECCM Power & Control Transfer to Star Breaker; Operator Authorization: Zero-Four-Five-One.[/color]"