It was then that the tiny gem finally did something, (even if it was with hesitation). Having seen what had happened to the now not-so-giant gem, and then, even worse seeing the robot that was carrying him away without any means of protecting himself, and worst of all, his gem plummeting towards the ground, Evenkite could bear not to stand back much longer. [color=fff79a][i]He's going to shatter. Crap crap crap. He's going to shatter.[/i] [/color] With a dash of abandon, she took after the falling gemstone, only to have the blue one catch it before she could. Which was good for him. But not for her. Because now she was out in the open. [color=fff79a][i]Bad. Very bad.[/i][/color] Had they seen her? No time to think about that. Maybe if she left quickly enough, they wouldn't notice her... And with that, she set of, as quickly and quietly as before, towards the crevice. Now it was just a matter of being seen or not.