Missouri pinched the bridge of his nose as he left the briefing room in order to prepare himself. [color=00aeef][i]Distractions... [color=white][b]MY[/b][/color] first-[/i][/color] he started to say as he place his helmet back on to use the HUD map to make his way to his first destination. [color=ed1c24][i][color=white][b]Our[/b][/color], our first mission thank you.[/i][/color] Chi had cut in Missouri's thoughts of annoyance. [color=00aeef][i]...Our, first mission is to be placed as overwatch and create a ruse of sorts to keep the enemy insurgents busy while [b]others[/b], go on about seeing to stabilize the reactor core and re-establishing the research facility's defenses. The latter of it sounds more exciting then a simple distraction job.[/i][/color] He let out a low agitated sigh as he turned down a corridor and headed for the weapons and armory room. [i][color=ed1c24]Well you necessarily can't be mad, you did stay hidden during the combat simulation, which is a possibly due to why your not on going full stealth mode.[/color][/i] Missouri was going to retort something back as he lifted one finger into the air, but then he thought about it. Yes, on this Chi was on point. It was him who stayed down letting the other agents handle the bulk of the robots while towards the last few remaining he only handled two of them and underestimated them, which would've added to the collections of bullet wounds that already dotted throughout his body. Then something else clicked to him as he entered the room. [i][color=00aeef]Chi... you weren't with me then...[/color][/i] Missouri shot the A.I. a questioning look from behind his helmet as he approached the Armory officer behind the bulletproof cased counter. [color=ed1c24][i]Simple, I've managed to search everything that wasn't restricted to me, about you.[/i][/color] Missouri yet again found himself annoyed but with a bit glee as to how his A.I. had manged to look into the files and records about him. [color=f9ad81]"What will it be?"[/color] The man said in a rude and bored manner as he didn't even bother to look up from his comic to see who he was actually addressing. Missouri placed down a data pad, which had been magnetically attached to his waist, listed with the equipment he typed in to use and slid it on top of the man's comic to get his attention. [color=f9ad81]"Hey, pal! What's the big id-,"[/color] The officer now had a surprised look on him when he saw who was actually talking to and with quick movement he grabbed the data pad and stood up. [color=f9ad81]"I'll have y-your equipment read in the p-pod bay within then next 15 minutes, sir."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Make it ten or its's your end!"[/color] Chi appeared in view on the counter startling the officer even more as he started [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1riNTA0yUmg]running around, laughing and yelling like a maniac.[/url] Missouri tilted his slightly to the right in confusion as to why he was stammering with his words, but he then just shrugged it off as he turned and began to find his way to the pod bay. [color=00aeef][i]Was that really needed?[/i][/color] he asked Chi. [color=ed1c24][i]Yes! though it was small and mundane compared to the [color=white][b]real excitment[/b][/color] coming up seems it will be quite a show.[/i][/color] Chi responded. Though Chi, yet again had another point, he was right even though he wasn't going to be taking on the hotshots of the insurgents, he'd still find some form of excitement to go on and a real chance at showing himself, that is of course if he managed to make it through the whole ordeal in one piece as plastered grin shown behind his mask and his hands slightly twitched from the anticipation of live combat.