Angelo sighed as he woke up that day at home thankfully it was Sunday so Angelo had nothing else to do but find another target. Angelo turned on the tv but when he started to try flipping through channels he got the same emergency broadcast so Angelo had no choice but to watch. Angelo listened and when he heard the name of the investigator Angelo wrote it on his arm with a marker. Even if it was a fake name it was still good to keep it in his memory so that if that is his real name then all he would need is his face and if it isn't then it means it was an alias and that Angelo could knock it off the list. Angelo listened as he said that what he was doing was wrong Angelo had to struggle not to laugh so hard. So what Angelo was doing was wrong? hell no! The world is filled with bad people like the ones he has been killing all he will do is rid the world of the evil in this world then Angelo will keep it going, Angelo doesn't desire power only divine intervention with the monsters that live in the world. Angelo decided this would be a good moment and he grabbed his chess set and Izan looked at him curiously [color=red] uh Angelo what are you doing?[/color] [color=green] well my death god friend I am setting the board[/color] Angelo said as he got the two kings the white one he put a large A on it to identify himself then Angelo got the black one and wrote L and put them on each side. [color=green] this is my metaphorical field of battle I just need to find a way to take down L and keep what im doing going[/color] Angelo said to izan as he set up the full board only that L side had all the pieces but Angelo was alone. Izan grinned [color=red] lets hope you don't screw up, your to fun[/color]