Nodah Listig Nodah watched as Desdemona struggled against the hold on her feet. As she relented, she said, [i]"It would’ve been nice to punch you in the face at least once.”[/i] Nodah raised an inquisitive eyebrow at that. Desdemona then flung a piece of a paper in the air. Bewildered as a summoning circle traced itself into existence, Nodah was struck with an image of Desdemona tucking something away in the combat training hall. [i]She does prepatory work ere her battles, this one,[/i] he though with distant approval, a snake that seemed to crinkle and hiss with lightning appearing before him. Nodah had just enough time to register Desdemona cocking an imaginary gun at him, before the snake's jaws parted almost hungrily. Nodah heard the first fire-crackles of electricity, swore he could smell singed flesh. Desperation and fear drying his mouth and leadening his tongue, Nodah leapt sideways, rolling forwards, to narrowly avoid the beam of lightning that roared past him. He spun around, crouched to the floor, eyes flashing yellow at the snake. He liked this not. With hasty speed, he flicked his wrist, sending the dagger spiralling straight for the middle of the slithering reptile. He fully expected the blade to find its mark and pin it to the floor, if the summoned could not be killed. His aim alone was not half-bad, unaided by manipulation. His gaze flickered to Desdemona, ensuring she stayed rooted. He slipped another dagger from his belt. "Do you have another for me?"