Johnny had been watching everything from his spot and honestly, it was awesome. He had never seen Gems in action before, only heard the stories from the people at Beach City, and the whole thing just kind of floored him. Without thinking he stepped out from his hiding spot and just soaked in the sight of all the mayhem, the fighting was over and everything was calming down. [color=0054a6][i]"I just had the best idea for an album cover."[/i][/color] he thought to himself as his mind caught up with his excitement. [color=0054a6]"That. was TOTALLY WICKED!"[/color] he shouted as he began to gush over all the action he just saw. [color=0054a6]"Oh man, when the big guy threw that rock and it went 'BANG' or when he got zapped by that big ass spider bot an-and that lazer bolt! Woah and when the blue lady zipped through the air and caught the gem and....YOU GUYS MUST BE CRYSTAL GEMS! OH MAN THIS IS SOO COOL!!![/color] and on he gushed as he excitedly recalled all the events that just occurred.