Aquamarine gently place the orange gem in Evenkite's hands, smiling gently before being slight startled at another gem approaching her. She listened to what the other had to say only to giggle lightly before turning into a soft laugh and smiling at the new young gem before her that was talking of spirits. [color=7bcdc8]"What an interesting gem you are."[/color] she smiled to Spinel before continuing her tone turning a little more serious, [color=7bcdc8]"You need to leave this place. More robots will be back and I promise you that the spiders won't be as easy next time. I don't want anymore gems to be destroyed."[/color] That having been said, she moved herself over to the green gem and carefully started to try to lift his heavy body up now that it was stone. She almost dropped Emerald as loud voice popped up and she forced the gem all the way in a standing position before turning to see a human. [color=7bcdc8]"A human? What is a human doing in a Kindergarten?"[/color] she stated, more to herself than anyone else. She turned her attention away from the human for a second and Emerald now that he was upright before focusing on Evenkite.[color=7bcdc8]"His gem is unharmed so he will be just fine. This is how he will be able to rest and heal from the damage. Once he has healed, he will reform his body and be as before, maybe a little different if he chooses."[/color]