Angelo smiled and shook his head [color=green] not yet Izan, I know that this is a trap. Yes that may or may not be the real name of him but if I kill him and he isn't L then it means he can narrow his search even more. The more he has to guess the better so I wont be asking for the eyes until an emergency not for a matter of convenience. Besides hes on TV with nothing violent nearby so even if I wanted to kill him I cant make it a good one[/color] Angelo said to Izan although it was a good thing that he knows he can get the eyes of the Shinigami for future reference in case he needed to kill someone quick. Sorry "L" but its going to take a lot more then putting up a sacrificial pawn to get to Azreal Angelo thought with a grin. [color=green] I plan to be the righteous hand of death I cant allow myself to live less until it is necessary[/color] Angelo said to him watching the Tv to see when the broadcast will be over