Bohdan walked into the village after decided that there was nothing in particular to interest him near the docks. He thought about what he should attempt to do. The point of this trip was to better himself, so find a sparring partner, maybe? He was already a fairly adept fighter though, so visit the temple, perhaps? Was there any other way he could go about educating himself here? He sort of just wandered for a few minutes, trying to decide what would be the best option, and that was when he noticed Rohzar. "Hmm... that's something one doesn't see every day..." Bohdan approached Rohzar. "Excuse me... sir." Having never really spent a great deal of time in civilization, Bohdan was poor with niceties, and really at anything but being blunt. "Am I correct in assuming you have our blood? I've never met someone who did, save for other ronso."