[color=fff79a]"And that's exactly [i]why[/i] you should question her. Yes, she did help us, and again, I appreciate that. Who knows what would have happened if she hadn't."[/color] She stayed silent for a few moments, as if she had registered the thought not before she spoke it, but after, and needed some time for it to sink in. [color=fff79a]"But at the same time, we don't know her. For all we know -and again, no offense, ma'am- she might've staged the whole thing to gain our trust. After all, we never had trouble with these robots until she showed up, and she's the only one here who seems to know about them. So that alone is enough for me to doubt her, but to ask us to leave is downright sketchy, if you were to ask me. So until she backs herself up, [i]I'm[/i] inclined to not believe her. But if [i]you[/i] insist on hanging onto her every word, then please, do as you will. But do not expect [i]me[/i] to follow suit."[/color] The hand covering the orange gemstone curled its fingers around it, clutching it tightly and she brought it closer to her chest and turned herself away slightly.