Whispers in all directions. "Eva Saito? The girl who got kidnapped, right? It was on the news a few years ago... I remember! I'm surprised she's here on her own." I clenched my teeth, trying to keep my anger below the surface. I had to just ignore them, keep my eyes on the chalk board. This was going to happen at the beginning of every semester. It couldn't be helped. "Come on, Little Sis. Just one of them. I know you want to. No one will suspect a thing if one of your classmates dies of alcohol poisoning or something." Ezerion was probably right... about all of that. I really, really wanted to shut those brats up! I could do it... right now, in the middle of class, if I wanted to. Make the boy sitting behind her ram his pen into her neck. It would be worth it just to give these jerks something else to talk about. I exhaled. No, not now. I scrawled "maybe later" on the corner of my notebook before scribbling the message out. "Later, huh? I'm gonna take your word for it, Little Sis." Dumb Shinigami! I said [i]maybe[/i]! Right now was a really bad time. L was on the lookout for Azrael, and I couldn't afford to draw his attention. But, still... if I could make it look natural... what was the point in having a Death Note if I couldn't use it...? Making big decisions was way too hard!