[@Song Book] Felice nodded. He wasn't sure where the fire girl had been going with the first part of that sentence, but the rest of it made sense so far. [color=7bcdc8]"Va bene. Ma come?"[/color] He shrugged again with another questioning gesture. the only thing he wasn't sure about was exactly how they would mark the doors. If they could get into any of the rooms, though perhaps they could find something to mark them with. ...And maybe something else to make their lives easier. While he walked with the girl, he continued thinking about the instructions they received. This was a simulation of some kind, wasn't it? They were supposed to figure out the hunt with minimal details, and it was supposed to tie into the mission training they would be doing later, wasn't it? And yet, it didn't seem quite right yet. Nudging the girl beside him with his elbow, he gestured toward the nearest room and tried the door, glancing a bit suspiciously at the guard as he got close. This wasn't the worst place to start, after all, and maybe they could put a few ideas to use with whatever they found here.