Varric looked down at the sword, and grinned. Varric seemed especially arrogant in front of Gwen, sometimes. It wasn't that Guinevere wasn't an amazing warrior, which she was, and it wasn't that she couldn't be scary, which she definitely could be. Guinevere was who Varric went to when he had an unwanted suitor that didn't get the picture. Guinevere was the person Varric trusted most. Guinevere was strong, dangerous, and amazing with her sword. Only thing was, she was a complete dork. Varric grinned even wider, before looking Guinevere in the eye. A mischievous glint entered his eye, and he spoke in a low, sexy tone. [color=007236]"So, who was cuter. Me or Ezra?"[/color] His body exploded with flower petals. Varric dropped his illusion and showed his actual body. [color=007236]"I can show you a second time if you didn't get a good look before,"[/color] Varric said, before winking dramatically. In truth, Guinevere could easily beat Varric in a fight. He had a lot of magical power, yes, but he was only good at dodging and disabling. Best he could do would be to knock her down with wind or stun her with a burst of sound. She could kick his ass easily. But she would never do that without good reason, because she was a damn good person. In truth, Guinevere, the easily embarrassed sexy awesome war goddess, was the one person Varric admired as much as his mother. BUT DAMN WAS IT FUN TO EMBARRASS HER. EVEN WHEN SHE HAD HER SWORD AT HIS THROAT. Varric figured he'd stop trolling her in a moment though. After all, as fun as it was, they had to look for Alix. He didn't forget her. He HATED seeing people so sad. It just wasn't right.