Fischer makes sure to leave a quiet, "Thank-you Command" before resuming his duties, and getting up from his chair for one last security shakedown. He begins to wonder just what sort of 'aliens' they might find out there... Hopefully the worst they'll find are just green-skinned space babes, but he knows how unlikely that is. They'll probably find hyper-intelligent tentacled abominations, or omniscient swarms of sentient nanorobots or something. Well, he has a job to do and he needs to do it. So, he continued his patrol, silently stalking the halls, gun in pocket, one final check for any smuggled items, for any security breeches, and other things of that sort. Empty handed, he wordlessly, sneakily returned to the Security Office, likely getting a few looks from the others in the other rooms before he plops down in his chair and waits for the 'Jump', back in his office.