[color=f9ad81][b][i]Rowan Delacroix[/i][/b][/color] Shortly after exiting the portal, Rowan stood before the large oak doors of the infirmary. [color=f9ad81][i]"Certainly he should be here already..."[/i][/color] She drew in a deep breath and placed both of her hands on each handle. Hesitance was a running theme for Rowan, but she eventually gathered her bearings and opened the entrance. Light shone through the white curtains of the medical wing in vast amounts, but her attention was focused on locating Leval. She slipped past the female elf and peeked around the corners of each screen that separated the individual cots. Rowan felt herself become more and more anxious as she struggled to find the human she had sent to the clinic. [color=f9ad81][i]"Where is he? Has he not arrived yet?"[/i][/color] The vampire gripped her wrist in one hand while the other tightened into a fist. She stood in the middle of the room and looked down at the floor, her black strands of hair flowing messily by the sides of her face. [color=f9ad81][i]"Should I have gone to the training hall and retrieved him myself?"[/i][/color] When she lost herself in thought once again, another unfamiliar voice interjected. “Hello? You there, with the black hair. Are you okay?” Rowan gasped slightly and turned to face the new presence. A girl who appeared to be a human dressed in attire that was rather eye catching had spoken up, a look of concern in her unique eyes. Rowan habitually looked behind her to see if perhaps she was mistaken, but of course she was the only other person in that general direction. She ushered a courtly nod in the human girl's direction and prepared to turn away from her. However, she realized that looking on her own would get her nowhere. [color=f9ad81]"Pardon me for asking... would you happen to know if another student has been admitted here recently?"[/color] Rowan began unsteadily while she continued to glance around the infirmary. The answer to her question came shortly after she had asked; the dark timbered doors swung open to reveal a stretcher being wheeled in by two creatures in surgical masks. [color=7ea7d8]"What do we have here?"[/color] The nurse slid out from behind her desk on her unconventional office chair and lowered her glasses to observe the patient from afar. [color=8493ca]"Set him down over there."[/color] She waved over to one of the free beds nonchalantly and returned to her desk. The two masked helpers pushed the gurney over to the designated cot and moved away from the male human. One of the creatures raised a hand slightly, and the gravity around Leval shifted in a way that maintained his current position while gently lifting him up into the air. As he was suspended the Gravitin flicked its wrist in a swift motion, and soon the unconscious patient was placed cautiously on the linen cloth of the bed. Rowan watched with curiosity as they maneuvered the boy's body with great care. [color=7ea7d8]"Thank you."[/color] The elf emerged from her corner and rolled the sleeves of her lab coat up to her elbows. The two assistants bowed and saw themselves out of the infirmary in silence, and the nurse got to work soon after their departure. She scanned his body for the potential injuries before she held her hands out over the targeted areas. A warm yellow light was emitted from the palms of her hands while she moved them gingerly along the entirety of his figure. The vampire found herself a seat by the bedside and sat on the edge of the chair, watching the Druid's movements closely. Only moments later, the nurse let out a sigh and stepped back from her client. [color=7ea7d8]"All done. He should be as good as new by the time he wakes up."[/color] She offered Rowan a wide grin before she made her way back to her desk. [color=7ea7d8]"If you two need anything else, you know where to find me."[/color] Rowan sat stiffly in her seat. Her eyes trailed to the human girl that called out to her earlier, but she averted her gaze in order to avoid any unwanted attention. She remained idle for a short interval of time. Occasionally she brought her hands up to her identification necklace and prodded at the red gem in the center with the tips of her fingers. As she kept to herself for most of the visit, Rowan was silent while her thoughts kept her occupied. [color=f9ad81][i]"Shall I return to class? No, it would be better to wait for him to awake."[/i][/color] A few more minutes passed and she was tempted to look over at the human girl again out of curtosy, considering she hadn't left the infirmary yet and they were both sitting quietly. Rowan's eyes trailed down to the other creature's exposed skin that was decorated with fresh cuts and bruises. The vampire opened her mouth to speak but she quickly whipped her head around when she heard rustling from the bed sheets. Leval sat up, clearly groggy from his abrupt nap. [color=fff200]"Whose power is that?"[/color] Rowan raised an eyebrow at his question since she did not have an answer, and he continued on to test his repaired limbs. Eventually, Leval turned to face the other two creatures in the room and inclined his head in Rowan's direction. [color=fff200]"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I take it you brought me here? Thank you."[/color] The vampire shook her head and stood up from her seat to issue another bow in response. With her head still lowered, she spoke up saying, [color=f9ad81]"You need not apologize, I felt it necessary to send for help. It was not me who brought you here, so I am not worthy of your gratitude."[/color]