[quote=@Rockette] [sup]It's six-thirty in the morning, I don't know what I'm doing.[/sup] BUT. Have a post! Don't know where I'm going with Maharet really, but she's too fun not to write for. Now back to finish Mad-chick-a-dee's banner. My PS had a moment and wasn't letting me edit anything but I think I fixed it now. .. Hopefully. [img]http://i.imgur.com/nGq8fzD.gif[/img] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uRFBukv.jpg[/img] - [@Kingfisher] [code][img]http://i.imgur.com/uRFBukv.jpg[/img][/code] [/quote] Fantastic post, I love seeing this hierarchal side of vampiric society. Your posts have been an absolute treat to read. And muchos gracias for the banner! I love it! [quote=@fantasyfan28] Posted, hope Kingfisher did not mind my using the Cannoness again, I will change it if need be. I just thought that 200 years ago would have been enough so that whatever she was now would be irrelevant to who or what she was back then but still a big old meanie and bringer of doom to my wee elf girls friends and families. Oh and I should have clarified in post before but forgot, Night is on her way to Maharet. Furien's use of the word leech is also a term he uses for vampires (I guess he doesnt like them) [/quote] Very much enjoyed the little insight into night's backstory :D no problem at all with your use of the Canoness. Just a reminder kiddos; the Canoness is human, although undead, so "this reminds me of something that happened 200 years ago is fine" but "this reminds me of something that happened 10,000 years ago" might be stretching it abit. Anyways, keep up the amazing work guys! So enthused by everything in the IC so far. I'll try and get Maddie's first post up tonight!