"So we get to play decoy? I guess I can live with that if I get to crack a few skulls together," Montana said at the end of Agent Washington's speech ",I like being in the thick of things anyways." [i]I live for the crimson slaughter. Their screams will be sweet music,[/i] Omega replied appearing, somewhat startling Montana. "That's more words you've said since you were put into my head," Montana replied ",So you like a good fight then? Well at least you aren't to crazy of an AI to be paired with." Omega replied with a grunt. [i]A true warriors prowess is shown in battle, if you are unworthy well there can be always be a replacement for a partner. [/i]Omega stated bluntly, killing any form of conversation for Montana to have with his AI and debating whether he could ask for a new AI. "Well aren't you a ray of sunshine," Montana grumbled heading off to gather his equipment before they were to head off on their first mission.