[center]Name: Caleb O'Neil Race/Nationality: Spacer Technically he is American Gender:Male Age:25[/center] Physical Appearance: [hider=Caleb ] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/07/03/070703f16c72a02b924c5d02574b16ee.jpg[/img] [/hider] He stands about six feet four inches tall and has bright blue eyes. His skin is tanned and muscular due to his career as a soldier. He has a tattoo of a phrase on his right bicep with the phrase reading "I sing of warfare and a man at war." Oddly though he does not have very many scars on his body. He seems to care a lot about how he looks. Favorite color: Light Blue. Normal Outfit: He usually wears close fitting clothing. He prefers however to wear his armor whenever he can. His clothing is usually very simple and form fitting. This is common clothing worn on the space stations orbiting the Earth. The clothes usually have little to no color. The material is usually synthetic. Armor/Work Attire: [hider=Mercury Orbital Combat Suit] [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/a268/i/2013/319/5/5/spacesuit_by_carlo_arellano-d6ub5ty.jpg[/img] [/hider] His armor is without a doubt the most part of his job. The Mercury suit is designed to be able to go from the depths of space to the depths of the ocean. The suit is capable of reentry due to its materials. His career requires the suit be able to withstand the rigors of space. There are internal oxygen tanks and the helmet is completely surrounded. He can see through a sensor array on the side of the suit. Weapons: HF Gruber machinegun The gun is designed to kill the enemy as quickly as he can. He is a soldier first. He also keeps a a small pistol on his hip. Personality: Cal is always wanted to learn from anyone that he can. He tries to always make friends with whoever he can and hates when people are fighting. He tries fix conflicts. Knowledge and Skill Set: ~Skilled in combat. ~Hand to hand combat ~Capable of flying light space craft. Short History:Caleb O'Neil was born on the Orbital Platform Atlantic to a pair of Orbital Marines, Since he was little Cal knew what his path in life was going to be. He was going to join the force as he was legally allowed to. He joined the force when he was 18 and clearly showed that he was capable and rose up the ranks. The Marines were trained to be able to reenter Earth Orbit from high orbit. He showed that he could be calm in any situation. As soon as he heard about The Ark he made sure that he was on board that ship. He wanted to get off the Earth no matter what. He found that he liked the ship. He prefers everything Shiny and chrome. Job: Orbital Marine. He was trained to go into the worse hellholes and come out alive. He was sent to go with The Ark because it is unknown what lives out there. He is there to keep the people safe and try see anything around the area. Other:Caleb is bisexual and will hit on almost anyone he can. He is quite shameless.