[quote=@Argetlam350] "So we get to play decoy? I guess I can live with that if I get to crack a few skulls together, I like being in the thick of things anyways." [/quote] [color=f49ac2]"Playing decoy's fun,"[/color] Idaho declared merrily, [color=f49ac2]"All the fun of beating people up and if things go wrong you can always run away, after helping yourself to any shiny new swords which may happen to be laying around."[/color] As she made her last comment Idaho looked straight over at Washington with a determined intensity which was almost immediately ruined by Theta suddenly appearing in the air between them. [color=9933ff]"Please don't let the mad lady have the energy sword."[/color] He pleaded in the best impression of a lisping five year old Wash had ever heard, which in turn was ruined a moment later when he suddenly said, [color=9933ff]"Would it be possible to dial back her O[sup]2[/sup] supply a little, just enough to make her groggy so that I can... umm, guide her actions a little more directly during the mission?"[/color] In a tone which was anything but childish, and entirely sincere.