[hider=Starry Eyed] [u]Name:[/u] Asha Nightenlowe [u]Mutant Name:[/u] Starry Eyed [u]Age:[/u] 20 [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Appearance:[/u] [IMG]https://40.media.tumblr.com/52459c665d16664fe97a1aac799c0cf7/tumblr_mr2h9k0qCy1se75qdo1_500.png[/IMG] [u]Her mutation suppressed:[/u] [IMG]http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r478/gaaraxnami13/Heros/Starry%20Eyed/NewXMenAX_Detail_14_zpsb0ddb1f8.jpg[/IMG] [u]Powers:[/u] ~Star Solar Energy Manipulation: She is able to absorb solar radiation and convert it into a unique energy type which she can manipulate for various uses. Her powers are stronger related to her exposure to starlight. It is possible this is absorption of some sort of cosmic energy. ~Bio-luminescent: In her natural state, Asha's skin and hair are luminescent with a shimmering, rainbow-colored light of solar radiation. She is unable to control this vibrant appearance, and hides beneath black layers of clothing. With practice, Asha can be able to appear human. ~Light Energy Blasts: She can project the solar energy in a beam of variable intensity and diameter, from a wide concussive blast to a thin laser-like cutting beam, but this is currently uncontrolled and occurs often when she is under intense emotion. ~Force Fields: currently also uncontrolled and occurs under intense instinct to protect either herself or someone else. Unpredictable. ~Heat Manipulation: Asha can both withstand extremely high temperatures and emit warmth. ~Flight: Asha is able to propel herself into the air leaving a rainbow-like trail behind. The upper limits of her speed have yet to be determined. She is also able to carry others while flying. This is the only power she seems to be able to currently control. Unless she has a nightmare. Then she starts floating. ~Enhanced Strength: Asha also appears to be stronger than an average human. [u]Weakness:[/u] Star Solar Energy Dependent: Excessive use of her powers drain her stored solar energy reserves. At night time, the depletion is negligible given that she is constantly replacing the used energy. During the day, it is possible for her to completely use up her stored energy and not have access to any special abilities until she is again exposed to starlight. [u]Personality:[/u] A rather skittish person, due to emotional and sometimes physical abuse from her family, it can be a bit hard for her to trust others. However she tends to be rather passive about most things, avoiding any situation she might lose control of. She only fights for what she thinks is good and right, never wanting to seek out conflict. Unfortunately though she does have an anger problem, from suppressing such feelings towards her family. Asha is a kind person though, she is just troubled with the burden of her mutation and how it alienated her from others. [u]Rap-Sheet:[/u] No crimes [u]History:[/u] Asha came from a regular middle class family with three older sisters and two younger brothers. Her mother was a pastor and her father was a lawyer. She was a standard teenage. At first. When she turned eighteen however, one night she started changing. The starlight seemed to absorb into her skin and hair. Asha started glowing like a rave light and as she started to panic she started to float up till her back was pressed against the ceiling. Her mother came to see why she screaming, and when she looked up she saw a bright alien creature with her daughter’s face. Her father came to her room too, but his face held no awe. It held disgust. His daughter was a mutation. Abomination. A monster. So he had he dress in heavy dark clothes, pulling her out of school and trying to keep her up in her room and away from light as possible. And the more he kept her from the star, the more sickly she got. She couldn’t turn off the lights under her skin, so it was starving her body of energy, getting fuel from anything it could to keep the lights going. Asha flickered on and off for many months. The disgust from her father who kept her from the others as if she were diseased... And how he’d hiss at her and treat her like a mangy dog form the streets... It was more than she could bear. When Asha thought of death, it would be replaced with stars. Sickly and miserable, her mother took her out of her room one day. She seemed nervous. Where was her father? He was always her handler. But her mother had her pack two suitcases of her favorite things and dragged her to the car. Just being out in the night air gave Asha strength. Looking up at the stars, she felt healthy again. The stars’ light and energy flowed into her. Asha began to glow with the energy of a million of fairytale lights. She stared up at the sky the entire time her mother drove, entranced by the night sky. “Oh my starry eyed daughter,” her mother’s voice broke the spell, “I’m so sorry... This place... Your own kind... They can help you.” Her mother looked like she was about to cry. Asha was so dazed with the rush of energy, she jut smiled at her mother. Little did she know that’d be the last time she saw her. “Mama,” she whispered, “Mama, don’t cry...” ..... After a year learning about how her powers worked and how to control them, Starry Eyed grew bitter about her past. People who had made her think she was a monster... People who others just for being different... Things like this were despicable crimes of hate that everyone just seemed to over look. But the mutant who thought that they were the next step in evolution? Maybe they were right, but maybe they were wrong. She wouldn't become the someone else's monster just because people hated her. If she gave into her anger, than she was just proving them right. There has to be a way to live together. There has to be a way to co-exist. But the hate needs to stop. Too many innocence were losing their lives. [u]Goal:[/u] To do what she believes is right... no matter the cost. [/hider]