It's good to see some interest. In light of this I'm going to drop a character sheet here so people can start brainstorming if they are so inclined. I'm trying something new with the CS design and I hope people like it. Please feel free to ask questions and offer suggestions as this is still in beta as it were. [b]Character Sheet[/b] [u]Character Name:[/u] [u]Species Name:[/u] (Any arboreal vertebrate animal, anthropomorphized (examples: chipmunk, spider monkey, sloth, owl, koala, chameleon, etc.). I will also accept one Rhizoid which would be a species, vertebrate [b]or invertebrate[/b], with a subterranean and/or parasitic life history (example: phylloxeran, aphid, bark beetle, ant, mole, shrew, rabbit) [u]Species Persona:[/u] (Everything superficial and obvious about your species. Their appearance, size, demeanor and typical stereotypes) [u]Species Nature:[/u] (Posted as a spoiler which only characters who are members of this species or familiar with it through study or experience should read. Everything nuanced about your species. Things only those of your kind and those with knowledge of your culture would know. These include beliefs, rituals, specific modes of governance, religion, attitudes toward magic, etc.) [u]Character Persona: [/u](Superficial details of the character; what do you see when you look at him/her) [u]Character Nature:[/u] (Posted as a spoiler or a PM to me. This includes everything about your character not common knowledge [b]Don't[/b] share with any other PCs who do not know your backstory in character. This prevents metagaming and makes the start of the game way more suspenseful)