Here's an example using an NPC. You can look at the hiders in this case since the species and individual are well known and the sections contain no plot spoilers. Character Name: Arch Druid Arrullex Species Name: Sloth (three toed) also called the Sleeping Ones or Slowkin Species Persona: Slow and plodding the sloths are over represented among the druids as their patient nature and long lives make them ideal for mastering green magic. Many live their entire monastic lives in the druid glades hanging, thinking and studying magic for centuries. The fur of sloths is always tinted green with algae and powerful druids can even use green magic to grow this into a living photosynthetic robe which covers them. Due to their slow nature sloths have a difficult time communicating and living aside quicklings. They communicate through a slow sign language rather than the common Dendran (branch-tongue) and rarely travel among any but their own who can match the sluggishness of their pace Species Nature: [hider]Sloths are among the most attuned beings in Orun because the pace of their mind is closer to the incomprehensibly slow pace of the tree itself. Sloth druids find it easy to attune with plants, particularly the mosses and algae which coat their fur. Although slow, sloths are not stupid. It simply takes them longer to process and act, however, the patience and prolonged nature of their ruminations can result in surreal wisdom and inspired strategies. Some call sloths Sleeping Ones as they spend much of their lives in meditative states which common arboreals mistake for sleep. Sloths lack any kind of society or nation as most are talented enough in magic to join the druidic order, eschewing all claims to personal power or political alleigance. Those few sloths ungifted wander through the upper branches as herbivorous nomads or live within the druidic glades beside their brothers and sisters.[/hider] Character Persona: An old graying sloth he seems to just barely cling the branches as he climbs. His mossy coat is turning yellow looking more like a coat of autumn leaves than rich sphagnum. His claws are worn and brittle, his skin sagging, but his eyes, beady as they are, still gleam with the light of centuries of acquired understanding Character Nature: [hider]The arch druid was, like all his kin, born into the order. He's spent five centuries and six decades practicing the meditations of his craft and has arrived at a deep understanding of Orun and his place in it. Among the oldest living animals in the world tree, Arrullex, remembers four infestations, invasions of the Cicadian empire and their Rhizoran allies which occur approximately once a century. He knows the next will come soon and he intends to use the last years of his life to counsel the leaders of the Aboreal Nations on how to contend with it. Like most sloths Arrullex finds his magical gifts strongest when talking to and coaxing slow and gradual growth from plants. In his long years he's bent his magic to creating many of the great druidic temples in his glade from living wood.[/hider]