[img=http://thepointofasharpinstrument.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/alchemy_symbol_strong1.gif%3Fw%3D545] [b]Prominent Members of the Alchemist's Guild[/b] [b]Guildmaster:[/b] Unknown - the previous Guildmaster recently died of stroke, and the identity of their replacement is not yet public knowledge. [hider=Knossos Argider, Vanguard][b]Name:[/b]Knossos Argider [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG=http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/MoxIllusion/Alchemist1_zpsa67d0944.png] [i]"The world and all its parts are the only gods there are."[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Knossos is a very straightforward and serious man. He hates idle talk, and he hates wasting time that could be spent working. He has little appreciation for material possessions or wealth, and only goes out of his way to care for materials and objects he needs to do his job. He has no sense of humor, is irritable and morose. Combined with how little patience he possesses, he can often snap at people or bluntly tell them to go away. While he can often be rude and act annoyed, he very rarely gets angry. His only apparent passion is chemistry, or 'alchemy.' He has memorized the properties and appearances of dozens of materials, and is constantly tinkering and experimenting with Guild stocks to try and discovery new chemical secrets. His greatest pleasure is discovering a new reaction or developing a new concoction, which is just as well since that happens to be his job. The only thing he values other than work appears to be merit - he greatly admires the Blackwatch for their duty (whether they care or not), respects the Targaryen lineage for their accomplishments, and has expressed awe at the architectural wonders of Westeros from the wall to the Eryie. [b]Biography:[/b] Knossos was born is Lys, one of the free cities of Essos, and by all accounts led a normal life there, working for his family amongst the many docks. Both his parents were killed one day by a Faceless man, who took a small measure of pity on the boy and anonymously made him into an apprentice for one of Lys many alchemists. Having nothing in his life - no parents, no home, and no true friends - Knossos could only have food and shelter to live for as long as he worked. So he worked, as an assistant and an errand boy. When he could not work he would speak with alchemists, begging them to teach him their craft so that he did not have to spend the night out on the streets. Years went by in this fashion, and Knossos eventually became a proper assistant to his master and began to practice alchemy in earnest. Knossos spent more than a decade living inside the same building, working with noxious fluids and fine powders, applying fire and measurement, and saw few living people other than other Alchemists and their assistants. He surpassed his master in time, and surpassed the skills of many of the other alchemist's in Lys - and when they told him there was no more to discover, that he had mastered every secret of Alchemy, he laughed at them and told them they knew nothing if they thought there was nothing more to learn. Around this time, the Guild of Alchemist's in Westeros had reached the height of its power and had sent an envoy to Lys to recruit new members from the Alchemists there. Having grown disillusioned with the practices in Lys, and after briefly discussing terms with the envoy, he leapt for the opprotunity. Knossos has worked for the Guild of Alchemists ever since, although since his move to Westeros he has taken a scholarly interest in architecture and has left the Guild on many occasions to travel Westeros and observe its wonders.[/hider][hider=Micia Verbera, Quartermaster and Purser][b]Name:[/b] Micia Verbera [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Alias:[/b] Old Flame [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG=http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/MoxIllusion/QR2_zps8fb95e20.png] [i]"The truly honorable serve to upbraid the powerful."[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Micia is akin to fiery embers. Warm and pleasant to look at, but liable to burn those that touch them. She presents a facade of coy and coquettish behavior, armed with a vocabulary of barbs and scathing aphorisms. Underneath, Micia is deeply bitter and resentful, being dissatisfied with the way Noble houses and lords reign over Westeros and its people and suffering from mild depression and a perceived notion of helplessness to change the situation. Micia has bad days when she can barely drag herself from her home, weeping from dawn until dusk, but usually has good control of her senses and takes insults and setbacks in stride. She is not afraid to have others hurt and beaten for crossing her, and she is infamous in the King's Landing markets for her threats. Very heavy handed in business, Micia nonetheless has certain soft spots for orphans, bastards, and knights, and she has many patrons who visit her for advice and help - usually provided for free. [b]Biography:[/b] Micia is a lowborn from Heart's Home of the Vale. The ruling house of Corbay was always a poor one, though its nobles eeked all they could from their claim to nobility. While the Lord Corbay was an honorable ruler, many members of his family and court frequently flaunted their heritage and tormented the peasantry. Micia grew up believing that nobles were like the gods - without mercy, and powerful. At the age of fifteen, she was kidnapped in a raid by the Black Ears mountain tribe and vanished for six months only to reappear a ways off the High Road, where she was rescued by a Knight from the Reach, traveling back to his homeland from a visit to the Eyrie. While he volunteered to return her to Heart's Home, she begged to follow him back to the Reach, saying she would take her life if she was forced to remain in the Vale. Troubled, the knight took Micia back to his hometown of Ashford, where he housed her for several months while she recovered from her ordeal in the wilds of the Vale. Determined to repay the knight for his kindness and to be productive, she eventually became a healer, using her knowledge of herbal remedies learned through living by poor means in the Vale. Despite saving many lives, she became disappointed by the scale of her efforts, and at the age of 19 started a market stall to help procure medicinal materials and distribute them cheaply, petitioning many knights to sponsor her efforts. By the age of 22, Micia operated a respectable and fairly large operation which saw many remedies and medicinals become more widespread throughout the Reach. By training assistants and children amongst the town, she was able to cut several corners and eliminate many of the costs normally associated with producing medicine, earning her a reputation as a reliable trader amongst merchants as she was always willing to purchase simple supplies in bulk at fair prices, and amongst the people for her selflessness. At this time she began to court several knights, and when her polyamory was discovered she lost many of her sponsorships, resulting in the near collapse of her trade and abandonment by many of her assistants. Micia contemplated and nearly attempted suicide, but received an invitation by the Alchemist's Guild to join them in King's Landing as a provisional quartermaster due to her reputation, with word of her polyamory not having spread beyond Ashford. Seeing as she no longer had a future where she could meaningfully influence the lives of the people in the Reach, Micia moved to King's Landing and has been with the Alchemist's Guild since. She contributed little to their knowledge of medicine and herbal remedies, but provided valuable business and mercantile experience which the Guild sorely lacked. Today, she serves as the man spokesperson for the Guild, its services, and its products, and she manages the logistics and distribution of alchemical goods in King's Landing, as well as the acquisition of supplies and materials needed by the Guild. No longer in the land famed for its adherence to chivalry, her practices and methods became harder and ruthless, and she is considered one of the keenest traders in the city. Her enemies and rivals gave her the name 'Old Flame,' mocking her past polyamory, though few dare say such to her face. The Guild has dwindled in recent years and its profit margin has grown slim to none, but Micia has remained as efficacious as ever, not letting the guild wane due to lack of effort.[/hider][hider=Fabrice Iscart, High Transmuter][b]Name:[/b] Fabrice Iscart [b]Age:[/b] 57 [b]Alias:[/b] The Other Fool [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG=http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/MoxIllusion/AL32_zps5ee42f06.png] [i]"Alchemy can change and reshape all things - and we have the power to change the world."[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Fabrice is a proud and snobbish man, having fully embraced the mysticism of the Guild of Alchemists. He insists on being referred to by his proper title of 'Wisdom,' and takes great pleasure in expounding upon the knowledge possessed by members of the Alchemists guild while disparaging the ignorance of others. He can become easily angered if others do not acknowledge his skill and talent, and he bemoans how far the Alchemist's guild has fallen due to the apathy of 'indolent pissants.' He is fond of reminding people that he's their better, in one way or another, and becomes bitter and forlorn on the occasions when he actually speaks with a superior. He is also faintly lazy, preferring to put off work in favor of pursuing his own interests. He is not an uncommon sight at the court of the Red Keep, associating with the highborn members of society in attempts of gaining sponsorship and raising interest in the guild - his demeanor and ragged appearance have led to his derisive nickname, with many members of the court considering him to simply be the second of the King's fools. [b]Biography:[/b] Fabrice is a native of winterfell, a lowborn with carpenters for parents. While normally this would have seen Fabrice locked into a life of peasantry, gathering wood in the forest one day led to his stumbling upon the Maester of House Stark, who had fallen from his horse and sprained his ankle when it became spooked and ran. Helping the Maester back to Winterfell, the scholar offered to teach Fabrice to read and write for his kindness. Fabrice's parents, knowing that those who could read had much better prospects than those who couldn't, encouraged Fabrice to accept the offer. Fabrice spent two years learning to read and write from the Maester, learning much about the political climate of Westeros in the process in addition to history and religion. Eventually it became apparent that the Maester was grooming Fabrice for an education at the citadel, but when the time came he declined the offer. Fabrice had spent his early life as a lowborn peasant, and while learning with the Maester had seen nobles coming and going about their business. Coupled with his learned knowledge of Westeros politics, Fabrice had become power-hungry and desired more than the citadel could give him - and he had no intentions of ever pledging himself to the realm or to anybody else, if he could help it. Instead, he elected to become a clerk so he could retain access to the Winterfell library. He spent years studying there, looking for ways to gain power quickly. The Maester, recognizing that the man who had been his student was listless with his current duties, informed him that the new Alchemist's Guild in King's Landing had proven very popular with the people there, and that his learning and proficiency for organization would see him do well there. Taking this to heart, Fabrice made the move to King's landing and began to work for the Alchemist's guild as a clerk, while also apprenticing himself to a chemist in order to properly learn the art. He became a proper chemist a mere five years after the guild's inception, and recognized the potential usefulness of chemistry for refining and purifying various substances. Fabrice's studies in those areas contributed significantly to the guild's rising prosperity, and after a decade had passed he fully embraced the guild's adopted policy of obscuring themselves in Mysticism. For a brief moment, he had everything he had ever wanted - respect, a title, wealth, and knowledgeable authority over others. However, he pushed too hard. His adamant insistence upon veiling his profession in mysticism and his over-inflated opinion of his own status made him unpopular both within the guild and by his patrons. Although he did eventually become High Master of Transmutation, his demeanor lost the guild many clients, leading to a dip in business which contributed to the guild's decline is prosperity. Now Fabrice is old, without the respect he used to have, his coin dried up, and his only surrounding friends equally knowledgeable in Alchemy as he within their specialties. Having become dour and resentful, he longs for the days when he had everything he so rightfully deserved.[/hider]