It took time to work the crick out his neck, but upon setting foot in his ancestral home, Duncan forgot all about the cramped taxi into the city. A deep sense of nostalgia took him as he feasted his eyes on the iconic Galbadian skyline and he took a deep breath, revelling in the dank, vaguely polluted smell of the big city. [i]Home... of a sort.[/i] He even felt a twinge of patriotism at the sight of the steel and black Republican sigil floating high over the city on tethered blimps. No-one did pomp and ceremony quite like a Galbadian and no Galbadian did it quite like Vinzer Deling, curse the old bastard. But all the good memories in the world couldn't make up for the bad ones and Duncan knew that before this night was out, a lot of them would come back to bite him in the arse. A voice dragged him from the bittersweet nostalgia. [b]'Well, nothing's happening tonight so to speak, so... well, I don't see why not.'[/b] Considering where the team had been allocated lodgings for the night, he was rather keen to stay out as long as possible. He brightened considerably. [b]'Yeah, don't have to be there early or anything. Alright then. We'll all need to meet up at...'[/b] He trailed off as a figure walked a little too close to the group; female, young, could be anyone. Dear Jane recipient, perhaps? His eyebrows furrowed when she suddenly addressed the team. [i]Possibly Garden trained? Another support SeeD?[/i] Fucking Corvo, throwing SeeDs at him willy nilly. Was it too much to ask to stick to those he was purposely picked for this mission? He sighed and signalled to the woman to wait for a moment as he turned to the others. [b]'Disperse in twos and threes. Reassemble between 2100 and 2300 at Imperial Heights, Mansion 47. The guard will ask for your ID numbers; refuse and say you're union inspectors. He'll understand.'[/b] With that he linked his arm in with Eika's and gave the new woman a pointed look. [b]'Would you mind accompanying us, Miss..? I haven't been to DC since I was twelve, so I'm a bit behind on the times.'[/b] He wove the odd Garden identification phrases into his words as he spoke, just in case. By this point he was sure that the woman was either a SeeD or a Faction operative, but he couldn't let her go without being 100% certain. Duncan didn't go too far from the others as he tested the waters though, duly aware that they might recognise her where he did not; there were so many bloody young SeeDs nowadays that he had long since given up keeping track.