The most wonderful thing about England was the generosity and politeness of the people living in high society. The men would always gift a fine lady some jewelry for a wondrous evening. Or even better, if you let them believe they had one. No matter how far the gentleman was flirting with Madeline, no matter how much she accepted. There was always a noisy wife with a bad sense of humor. Even this night, the grand night of the Shadow Council meeting, Madeline was not even remotely close to show up in time. They would take forever in their waiting rooms anyway. She enjoyed a walk at early evening. A well suited man would show up sooner or later. As Madeline walked through the streets, dressed in a fine silk dress from an Indian trade merchant with a very fine accent and a great taste, she noticed a young man standing alone, his eyes wandering across the streets. "Good evening, dear sir. What is such a handsome looking man doing alone?", Madeline approached the man. His eyes were watching the slender figure with curiosity. Smiling, he walked at the woman. "So you are the fine lady I should meet?" He gave Madeline another look of satisfaction. Despite the fact that Madeline did not know anything about the man, she enjoyed this little play. "Perhaps I am, or maybe I am not. It all depends on what you want me to be." She crawled an arm around the man's waist, gently tucking at his belt. A playful chuckle escaped the woman's lips. The other hand rested on his shoulder, leaving the two look like a loving couple walking down the street. This was one of the few things that the Demon enjoyed more than having to stick to people for too long; pickpocketing. Her favorite hobby amongst banquets. There was the usual chit-chat. The man was very shy about himself. He kept talking about his father's work too much, trying to impress Madeline. She played the naive girl, smiling, nodding and giggling. In the meantime, she was moving her hand from the waistline around the man's belt. It was not too difficult to let her hands slip into the pockets of his pants and his jacket. He did not notice a thing anyway. "So, what is your name?", the man asked after a long walk along the Thames. The Demon sighed, her eyes trailing off. To her luck, she had the Big Ben in sight. She gasped in shock and clapped her hands together. "Ah~! I am so sorry... I must have found the wrong guy. I was supposed to meet him over at the Tower Bridge." She dashed off, leaving the man confused for a moment, until he noticed the lighter weight on his clothes. But before he could yell for the police, or run after her. In the next backalley, Madeline used her demonic powers to travel through the nightsky as a black smoke towards Greenwich. Once she arrived at the building, she returned to human form, gently tugging at her dress to remove wrinkles. She made her way through the halls and towards the Demon waiting room. Her politeness made her knock at the door, before peeking in a head. "Ah! What a wonderful evening, right?", she called into the room, seeing not many that have arrived. Even after stepping into the room, Madeline was doing her best to make a good impression. This was her third, or fourth she could not remember, meeting she attended. There were still faces she would require to meet and greet. Clapping her hands, she walked over to Mephistos and leaned against the chair, smirking. "Good evening, my dearest fellow kin. How have you been around?" ---------- The night was cool to the fur of the beast. The change of seasons was beginning. For Fenris, this was not a great deal. It would mean that he would need to hunt closer to the cities. He enjoyed the night's out. A very fine scent always lied in the air. The scent of food. There was the sheep herds that weren't taken care of well enough. Some strayed. In this case, it was a small lamb, resting below an oak. It shivered, but soon it would not move at all. It was the right meal for this night. Advancing on the animal, the massive beast clawed at the ground to gain some speed. Making a sharp snarl, the little distance between predator and prey was closed with a leap. The perfect attack on a helpless animal. Even if the lamb would have woken up sooner, it could not have gotten out of reach. The scream of the lamb was silenced. The scent of blood rushed into the air like a beast unleashed from a cage. And the wolf found it's meal. Gnawing against the bones, ripping off flesh and devouring the precious hunt, Fenris enjoyed every single moment. He was not letting any meat or organ go to waste and from what he noticed, this lamb was not enough to withstand human form for a long period. He would need to hunt sooner or later within the meeting. The problem was that Greenwich was not the most open place for a massive werewolf to hunt. He would get noticed sooner or later. With a blood soaked face, the wolf rose, hearing a faint sound from a bush nearby. Another animal. More food. Since he ate the lamb and left only bones and wool, Fenris dashed forth, aiming for the source of the sound. But he found nothing, even after he tracked the scent. It must have been a bird, noticing the cold murder of the livestock. Nature always has a witness, yet none raise their voice. Seeing that there was no way around this, Fenris made haste to reach the borders of human land. For a werewolf of his size, he was able to take great distances in no time. As lights began to flicker in the eyes and a strange, foul scent grew to the nostrils, it was time for the werewolf to subside. With massive pain and suffering, the creature crammed it's muscles, pushed ribs and limbs together and slowly faded in size. The fur slowly disappeared within the man's skin, as Fenris regained his human form. He breathed heavily, his eyes adjusting back to the lights and colors. His left eye itched, his throat was dry. The simple problems of a human. And some wool stuck between his teeth... Sneaking his usual way to his stash at a nearby farm, Fenris took his fur coat and clothed himself in it. It reeked of wet dog and hay, much to the man's disgust. The farmer's dogs must have found it comforting to rest in it from time to time. Nevertheless, the man had to go to Greenwich. He had a whole day to travel at the roads of men. He did not mind it a bit. The travel was easy to the feet, even with a lack of shoes. He arrived at Greenwich by dinner time, enough to stretch and rest, before the council would meet. While Fenris rested on a bench, he noticed a few people that were coming and going, many of those were of the same kin. Demon, Werewolf and Vampires alike. It was not much of the man's concern, though, until he decided to enter the building himself. The room was already unsettling to Fenris the moment he stepped in. There was not enough space to move freely. There were too many people in it and most of all, they were all reeking of sewage, or so Fenris thought. He was not a man of the city, so he disliked the scent of it. Even more disliking, he smelled cooked meat. A fine treat for a man, but these men in the room were far from human. If they were all such weak pups to eat only cooked flesh, they might as well wear a leash... Taking a seat in a corner, Fenris watched the commotion with interest. Maybe something worth listening to might come up.