[hider= "Reconstruction - Taken"] [center][img]http://images.fandango.com/MDCsite/images/featured/201110/i-frankenstein-concept-art.jpg[/img] You and I are mad scientist and we have discovered a way to regenerate life, using shells of those that have passed on. We will work together to create a world in which we have many secrets, government funding, many attacks on us and perhaps a bit of romance if you’re man enough to warrant it. But something goes terribly wrong and one of our creations starts thinking for himself and decides that you and I must be stopped – and we run.[/center] [/hider] [hider="Castaway - Taken"] [center][img]http://moviesmedia.ign.com/movies/image/article/660/660484/pirates-of-the-caribbean-dead-mans-chest-20051021022003613-000.jpg[/img] I love me some pirates... so much. This story would consist of me playing a rough pirate girl, the daughter of the captain and you could play another pirate on board, or a member of the Royal Family that captures my father's ship. We can work out the details in PM if you're interested... lots of possibilities. [/center] [/hider] [hider="Moment of Weakness - Taken"] [center][img]http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/paradise-lost-concept-art-lucifer-image-slice-01.jpg[/img] I love a good vamp rp. I'm use to playing the older, stronger wise-ass vamp, but this time I want to change things up a bit. I'm looking for someone to play an older male vamp, very set in his ways - reclusive and standoffish if you will. In a moment of pity on my character, he saves her from death and brings her into new life with him. As a new challenging, she's less than pleasant to deal with, quite overbearing and far to "alive" for his tastes. We can come up with a larger "plot" if you will, but I like the idea of character developing these two. Will she bring him back up for air or will he pull her down for quiet reprieve?[/center] [/hider] [hider=Vanguard of Thornfall - Taken] [center][img]http://writingisthesupremesolace.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/535432_334410686680090_1667946361_n.jpg[/img] [I]The last time I saw her she was walking through a trail of red battenlillies, her long blonde hair tied into a braid of sorts. Something a servant had to have done because I wasn’t able to create such beauty. Everything I touch died before my eyes. She was no different. The hot winds of summer blew all around us and the days lasted forever as if we didn’t have anything but time on our hands. I reached out and pulled softly at her hair, a smile my prize. The fourth sun of Darium began to set, the sky birthing crimson and burnt orange bliss as it displayed the glory of the gods for all to witness. Just below my shadow sat a lonely yellow flower, its wings spread out as if crying for attention in the sea of red. A smile touched my pale pink lips as I bent over to rescue the beauty from being lost. I plucked it as the sun pulled off the horizon, the last one left moving quickly to join its brethren. I jogged to catch up to her, pulling ahead and maneuvering my smaller body in front of her to reach up and slip the yellow flower into her golden locks. She laughed and ran ahead, slowing only upon noticing my refusal to move forward. Something caught my eye and I stopped for only a moment to watch the clouds part. Darkness tugged at the edge of our world in way that I’d never seen. I looked up to watch her walk toward it, a picture of beauty and elegance. I screamed for her to stop and yet I could move not a muscle within my petite frame to stop the impending doom. She never once turned around as I unraveled with horror at the picturesque sight before me. And then she was gone – forever.[/i] ~ A fantasy adventure of sorts. I plan to play a fae princess that is sent to recover the queen, her mother and whomever you decide to play would be her partner on the journey. High fantasy on this one. [/I][/center] [/hider] [hider="Blink - Taken"] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/1/16696/2569554-great_desktop_wallpapers_19.jpg[/img] In a world where very few humans remain, most members of society are made of a combination of robotics and humanoid parts, some grafted from original humans and some created in a lab. I'd play a lovely scientist who helps to create these machines, my own hands having constructed you, who are a compound robot. We will be sent on a task across the universe to retrieve something, perhaps an energy source and who knows what might happen. I want to see what it would be like to work side by side with someone who's not supposed to feel and yet begins to. [/hider] [hider="Now I Lay Me - Taken"] [img]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/lplAF1M45OQ/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] In the sleepy little town of Brownston people mill about, raising their children, working their crops and reading their bibles and yet everything changes when a stranger arrives, his presence alarming and concerning. The only one unfazed by his seeming power is Father Jackson's daughter, Rachel. The more the town changes, the stronger the stranger becomes, his hold on the people something from the depths of a dream and yet all he came for is the one who remains unfazed. Love these creepy stories that revolve around good and evil and always fun to through a few religious themes in the mix. I'd be looking to play the preachers kiddo and for you to play the devil who comes a' knockin'. [/hider] [hider="Messenger - Taken"] [img]http://de.wallpapersus.com/wallpapers/2012/07/Video-Spiele-Fantasy-Kunst-Kunst-Guild-Wars-2-544x960.jpg[/img] The time has come and God is beyond distraught with the scene that lay below him. Humanity has pulled itself deep into the cylical sin it always seemed to wallow in and yet it was time for a messenger to be sent. The beautiful angels of heaven shivered in terror at the thought of being chosen for such a task, but not you. You, Michael, stepped up and took the message that all would end if not ten souls of worth could be found, and I alone answered. We'll use a good old fashion angels/demons rp to go in search of people that are good and wholesome, loosing our way and perhaps corrupting ourselves as we go - or will we? [/hider] [hider="When in Rome - Taken"] [center][img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs11/300W/i/2006/171/6/b/Gladiator_by_Kromespawn.jpg[/img] In the golden ages of the Roman Empire, a person's worth was measured almost as much by their quality and quantity of slaves, as they were of any personal worth. Gold rules all, and Slaves cost a hefty bit of gold. As such, it makes sense that members of ruling houses are given tribute through both the currency of gold and the currency of people. Slaves come in many different shapes and sizes: All with the common trait of being 'not roman'. Some are delicate Persian women, given as whores or handmaidens. Others are the lithe and agile men, suitable for delivering messages and fetching wine. Yet no slave is more sought after or romanticized than a gladiator: for a gladiator is a god in his field. On the sands of the coliseum, a Gladiator is a king, brought for the right to shed blood and gore over the sand in the name of their owner. Entire fortunes have been won and lost on the shoulders of a single gladiator's fight, so the gift of such a noble warrior would obviously be one of great weight. You'd be a slave - a gladiator and I'd be the Emperor's daughter, your new owner, but when push comes to shove, who's really in charge of whom?[/center] [/hider] [hider="The Power of the Penny] [center][img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/5/1024x840_2190_Secret_agent_2d_figurative_concept_art_woman_agent_illustration_car_men_hat_gangster_mafia_shop_se.jpg[/img] The city of Chicago is run by one man, and he alone says what did or didn’t happen, what comes and goes, who walks and who dies… I play your enforcer and work to take out the threat around you. It’s a bit reversed from the normal situation and scenario, but perfectly at home with the mafia. You’d be the boss and I’d be your sexy hitman… or woman, as it were. Or even better - one of us plays a cop.[/center] [/hider]