[center][h3]Enchanted Woodland - Grand Stage 26/4/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] As Leiko fell to the ground, Rui managed to catch her, as he had expected, everyone is usually ready to collapse at this time. The party had unanimously decided to head back out now, now that this dungeon was conquered. Kazuki and Megumi were waiting back in a safe area. These dungeons appeared to linger though... They didn't simply disappear when the shadow was conquered, he never thought about that, but it didn't seem to be important at the moment. [center][h3]Enchanted Woodland - Entrance 26/4/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [color=royalblue]"Riku, good work, and the rest of you too, good work"[/color], he began. Kazuki seemed to knowingly have sent Riku in. [color=royalblue]"But Riku, I told you to take care of some different matters"[/color], or... Or not. Kazuki didn't seem happy. [color=orange]"Yeah, but that stuff's boring as hell, I just wanna break some shadows in. Skulking around ain't my thing"[/color], [color=royalblue]"That's not the point. The point is-"[/color], [color=orange]"The point is, you're the goddamn leader, I know. But I'd rather fight, it's what I do and you know that"[/color], Kazuki seemed to back down here. Looks like he knew Riku was better suited to fighting... [color=royalblue]"Enough of this. We have more people now anyway, so I guess you don't need to be out there..."[/color], he resigned. [color=orange]"Besides, I have jack for leads. Your damn butler would be better suited for that but you have him getting equipment"[/color], [color=royalblue]"He's not a butler"[/color], he responded sharply. [color=slategray]"Mind telling us what's happening...?"[/color], Rui cut in. [color=royalblue]"Ah... Right. This boy here is Riku Zakimoto. He is also one of us... I had him trying to find out more about the cult, but that hasn't been..."[/color], Riku simply made an annoyed sound and looked away. He seemed to be a rather bad tempered guy... [color=magenta]"I-I-In any case! We're all a team... Right?"[/color], Megumi was clearly the one keeping them from turning on each other. The two calmed down a bit when she entered the conversation. [color=royalblue]"Yeah... But I think this is a good opportunity. We still need to make progress on the cult, otherwise we'll be doing this until they all die of old age"[/color], [color=aba000]"I will investigate"[/color], Kami spoke up. Everyone turned to him. It made sense... He was the son of a police officer, so he would know his way around some investigative techniques... [color=royalblue]"Hah! Excellent! A volunteer, and a cool-minded one at that..."[/color], [color=magenta]"B-by the way... I think, you should take some people along with you Kami, I had trouble keeping track of more than 4 people, on top of enemies... So I don't think we can have a very big party when we go into the dungeons... Just to be safe"[/color], so this was one of her limits... Her Persona's communication abilities seemed to be incredibly strong, but now that she's begun to have to keep track of more people, it's become clear they're not as strong as everyone had thought... [color=aba000]"Hmm... That would be helpful, to have some people to help. If everything about the cultists is true on their methods up until now, then having some people watching my back would be a good idea"[/color], [color=slategray]"Agreed... So I guess it's settled. I lead the charge in the dungeon, and you lead the investigation to find signs of the cultists?"[/color], [color=aba000]"Mhm... But let me know when you go into the mirror world. In case you'll need back-up"[/color], [color=royalblue]"Marvellous... But I do believe we can talk more another time... Your... Friend here, is out cold after all"[/color], stated Kazuki, pointing out Leiko. [color=slategray]"Ah"[/color]. It was time to head out... [center][h3]???? - ??? 26/4/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh3FgVv24-0]"Welcome, to the Velvet Room",[/url] Leiko's vision returned to her... This wasn't her room... But wait, she fought that... Her Persona... She fainted after... And this voice is... Leiko turned around, and saw a man, with piercing bloodshot eyes as round as the full moon, and a long nose that left an instantly lasting impression on her. She examined the room she was in, and her state. She looked at her hands, and they were in black-blue silk gloves, going all the way up to below her shoulder, with some fancy frills. But it appears her outfit was a dress, and she could feel something soft against her neck... It was a mink scarf, and her head. There was a wide-rimmed hat with flower adornments. The colouration was generally black, blue and some bits of gold and purple. It was rather... Fancy. She could get used to this. She noticed next upon the chair and table she sat, in front of her was a marking, labelled "Empress"... As she thought this, her Persona Titania came to her mind. [color=royalblue]"It appears, another guest has arrived..."[/color], Leiko was almost startled as he began to talk. [color=royalblue]"Do not be alarmed. My name is Igor, this is the Velvet Room, this place exists between dream and reality, mind, and matter"[/color], he began. She glanced around a bit, and saw other silhouettes. Four were discernible. Rui, Kami, Noboru, and Matt, but they didn't appear to be 'there'. [color=royalblue]"Only those who have signed the contract, are allowed here. It appears your friends have rescued you from a rather... Unfortunate fate, and thus you have realized your own flaws, and awakened the 'Empress'. A fine Arcana, it symbolizes... Motherly instinct, to care for those around you, just as a mother would to a child... Or it can be an ugly obsession, as you have seen that side of yourself already I need not say more"[/color], his voice was rather... Well it was surprisingly fine and clear, yet... Creepy. His expression barely changed as he spoke too. [color=royalblue]"Based on the numerous empty seats around you, I suppose you can gather, that there are others who share your fate, many more in fact... So I leave you with this"[/color], Igor clicked his fingers, and emerging from the side was a lady in blue matching the room, with long straight blonde hair. [color=royalblue]"This is Henrietta, she will present you with a key so that you may return here of your own accord, when you so wish..."[/color], as he was saying this, she placed a key in front of Leiko. [color=royalblue]"But until then... Farewell"[/color], as he said those words, Leiko felt forcibly forced into a state of unconsciousness.