Name: Gavin Goolsby Age: 22 Element: Darkness Feel for element:(Do you like it? Dislike it?) Gavin is quite glad for his element, though he didn't show it very often. For him, having his element is like having a gift from a parent. Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Gavin isn't the most talkative, but when he does he likes to make jokes at how people talk. Usually by making it sound like they were very literal. otherwise, hes very distant and standoffish with those he doesn't know well or doesn't get along with. Due to his past he will open up sooner to those that show him kindness, however this is also a weakness as people can easily take advantage of him like this. He also occasionally rhymes. History: Gavin is an orphan. He was found on the doorstep of Lucky Lil' Orphanage in the middle of the night. While on the outside it looked like paradise for him and the other orphans, in reality it was living hell. The children were merely a source of money for the orphanages owner Ms.Crowley. Gavin endured the torture of being told he would never be adopted and being belittled until he was 12. The night of his 12th birthday he fled the orphanage under cover of darkness and disappeared into the city. Ms.Crowley never bothered to look for him. He hid inside an abandoned building that night, and fell asleep from exhaustion. That was when he had the dream. Mother earth had appeared to him and told him that he had a gift. a special gift from her, and it was powers of shadows. they talked for a while, and he came to feel like she was his mother. eventually he had to wake up however. for the next 10 years he lived in the shadows of the city, learning about its inner workings and honing his powers and skills. He felt like something was soon to change, but he wasn't sure what, but he knew it was soon... quote: "Now you see me, now you don't, will you hit me? No you won't. From the shadows i shall strike, all my stealth is my might."