[center][h2][b][color=39b54a]Einz Grimcast[/color], the Necromancer[/b][/h2][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tED85Ot.png?1[/img] [b]Age:[/b] Physically, Einz would be 16. His actual age is... also 16. Not much change there. Although it should probably be noted that Einz is immortal... sort of. See powers for an explanation. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Villain - Neutral Evil [b]Powers:[/b] [u]Underline[/u] - Main power/source of power. [i]Italics[/i] - Sub-powers derived from the main power/source of power. [u]Necromancy[/u] Brought about by his own personal studies and a previous reincarnations power, Einz has a natural affinity for necromancy. His abilities revolve around manipulating the dead, death, life forces and souls; mainly for his own purposes. The abilities bestowed by necromancy can be applied in different ways. [i]Reanimation/Summoning[/i] Einz's main use of necromancy. Provides the ability to reanimate and/or summon the dead for the owner's use. Most of Einz's plans revolve around the creation of undead armies or groups. Most of the undead subordinates created tend to be skeletons, as per his preference in minions. The undead created don't have much sentience, and must constantly be monitored by Einz as a result - something which becomes increasingly difficult the more undead there are to control. [i]Soul Manipulation[/i] The manipulation of souls. Despite the name, this sub-power does not allow Einz to directly manipulate souls in a puppetry sort of way, but instead gives him the ability to collect souls, which he stores within [i]Amren's Amulet[/i], an amulet which has necromantic connotations. One of the most common applications used by Einz is the enchantment of weapons through the use of souls. The souls required to actually enchant a weapon vary based upon the type of enchantment, but Einz only has knowledge of some basic elemental enchantments, which have somewhat high soul costs, which prevents him from engaging in such activities most of the time. [i]Mediumship[/i] The ability to see and commune with souls of the deceased. Einz doesn't use this power often, as most of the time the souls he finds are collected within the Amren's Amulet. The power is occasionally used to obtain information of particularly ancient or intelligent souls, and can be fairly useful as a result. [hr] [u]Lich Ritual[/u] Several months ago, Einz had conducted an ancient ritual in order to become a Lich. However, it ended in failure due to [i]unforeseen variables[/i] which took place on that day. The failed ritual only bestowed two powers onto Einz, both of which are fairly trivial at his current stage of existence. [i]Immortality...?[/i] Due to a failed Lich Ritual taking place around a month ago, Einz only has the benefit of semi-immortality. He won't age, or die from age, but he can still be killed like any normal person. The only exception to this would be being decapitated, in which he is immune. Because this ability had only been bestowed onto Einz in recent months, it would take several years for the effects of this power to become relevant at all. [i]Head Liberation[/i] A secondary, less useful power obtained from the same Lich Ritual. Einz has the ability to survive without a head, and may detach and reattach it at will. This renders him immune to death by decapitation, but it is too specific of a death to be too useful most of the time. [b]Weapons:[/b] A shovel. Surprisingly, it isn't enchanted, and has no special effects. It is pretty durable as far as shovels go though. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, level-headed and easygoing. Einz is a super villain who fits the criteria most of the time, but not all of the time. He is known among heroes as one who is extremely nonchalant and cordial in his reigns of terror. He is one to make 180° turns in what he does. Sometimes he plays the role of a pragmatic villain, and only seeks to fulfil self-oriented objectives that he's set for himself without deviating to kick puppies, steal from banks or engage in unnecessary destruction unless it would further his plans in some way, whereas other times he is known to cause needless carnage without actual cause. The logic or thought behind his actions tends to be a mystery known only to him, and the inner workings seem to remain an enigma. Most of his plans tend to revolve around two main objectives: Collect souls, or cause needless destruction, with some room for deviation at times based on what exactly his plan-of-the-day is. Regardless of what he actually does, it's guaranteed that he'll engage it with a nonchalant attitude and casual demeanour. In spite of what he does, Einz has been known to engage in acts which don't befit a villain at all. He's staged raids with skeletons on Neo-Tokyo before, only to be found an hour later in one of their shopping centres as if he didn't actually do it, and sometimes denying any claims that he did. There have been times where people have searched Einz out for the sake of things such as weapon enchanting. Getting past the unethical ideas of using souls for such a purpose, Einz has helped people more than once by enchanting their weapons with elemental effects, or communing with their dead loved ones. Sometimes he'll ask for nothing in return. Other times he'll ask for money. Sometimes he'll deny their requests for the sake of denying them. It all depends on his mood at the time. Perhaps what he does is simply a way of him getting a rise out of heroes who inevitably foil him. Einz has done it before. He'll do it again. Alternatively, he could engage in [i]that other thing[/i] that he had been meaning to do. It makes little difference to him. [b]History:[/b] The first account of the Grimcast family came thousands of years ago, following the notoriety of a powerful practitioner of magic. Amren Grimcast was known to live within a populated village whose name is now lost to the ages. Amren Grimcast was known to be a practitioner of magic. Amren Grimcast was executed alongside the entirety of this village. The reasoning behind it is something of a misconception. One would be led to believe it was out of spite, out of jealously of the prosperity of the village. This is not the case. The slaughter of the village came about after it became apparent of Amren Grimcast's endeavours. He was a necromancer, a mage affronting life itself. He was hated for this, and he sought to bring back the lost art of resurrection. Such magic that tampered with life itself was something to be abhorred, and as far as the kingdoms of old were concerned, the entire village was a tainted and demonic place due to his presence. The mere mention of his name was now a crime, and the entire ordeal was something which would not be spoken of, what took place there would not be known. While his art of resurrection would not come to be realized, Amren Grimcast would be able to reincarnate to resume his goals at a much later date. However, this was not the case, and while he himself did not reincarnate, the potency of his magic did. The necromantic power once owned by the long-deceased Amren Grimcast lives on in one of the more recent generations of the Grimcast family. In Einz. It was something the family was aware of, and something which was expected. While most if not all of the Grimcast family members were practitioners in some shape or form, Einz was one of the only ones with a now-natural affinity of the art of necromancy, picking up where Amren had left off. Of course, Einz was rather casual about the entire situation, and had no cause to restore the art of necromancy, but he was coaxed into doing so by the rest of the family. At quite a young age, he embarked on a journey to restore the long lost art... and subsequently got bored and stopped. He settled in the place that he stopped; an old fort which likely served historical importance, and existed not too far from Neo-Tokyo. Before engaging in restoring lost arts, Einz desired to achieve a greater power. This power would have been found through lichdom, and after extensively gathering the materials to do so; a large array of souls, skeletons and blood, and the necessary sigil of incantation. However, he wasn't even halfway through the ritual before he realized just how much longer it would take for the ascent (or descent, based on your point of view) into undeath would take, and he subsequently gave up [b]during the ritual[/b]. Stepping outside of the incantation sigil not only destroyed the ritual taking place, but also did not even provide half of the benefits of becoming a lich, if any. He would have to perform it again, and actually see it through this time. It was around this point in time that he discovered the existence of Neo-Tokyo, and has been using it as a means of harvesting the necessary materials for a ritual for quite a while now. Although, as of late it's been something Einz has been putting off in favour of collecting souls specifically, or stealing food/money from Neo-Tokyo. Sometimes he wonders if he'll find the means to recreate the ritual soon, let alone withstand the waiting that takes place during it. [b]Weakness:[/b] There are a lot of things that Einz can do with necromancy, but simply doesn't do. Be it out of laziness or just not finding it in his interests most of the time, Einz has squandered quite a bit of his potential as a result. Einz is fairly unpredictable and without many clear motives. This can work in a hero's favour, and it's actually possible to stop some of his plans by just asking him to stop. You'll get a simple "Ok." and the fight would end. At the same time, he could just as easily say "No." and continue the fight. It's based upon luck, really. While Einz doesn't age, he can still be killed. Einz has the physical strength of an average 16 year old. There are many things stronger than the average 16 year old. Aside from his ability to create undead legions, he doesn't have much combat prowess. Although he is pretty decent with that shovel if the situation (and he himself) calls for it. [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2rwxs1gH9w]Spooky Scary.[/url][/center]