The door opened and what greeted Calvin was a upward kick forcing the priest to lean backwards to evade it but fortunately the attack stopped midway. [quote=@Demon Shinobi]"I'm sorry. So sorry. I was surprised. That's all."[/quote] The orange-haired teen apologized which was enough for Calvin. With a sigh, he told the Devil student. "[color=gray]No one is harmed so there is nothing to worry.[/color]" He then added. "[color=gray]Your sharpness is commendable though.[/color] The room had several Devils inside. Three males including the one who almost attacked him and a female with long hair who excused herself away. Calvin wondered if that had something to do with him. Returning to business, he cleared his throat before announcing. "[color=gray]I am an agent of the Vatican and I seek Sir Lorenzo Armadas.[/color]" He then further explained. "[color=gray]We have reports that an attack had been staged against the Devils in this area. The Vatican wishes to know more and be dealt with should the reasons be... unreasonable.[/color]"