[quote=@Master Crim] [b]FOOL![/b] Do not try to belittle me! Calcifer, Lord of Chaos! My powers are great, and my hatred staunch. None can contend with me! I have single handed brought down several Centaur Guardians and Hal's own Griffin! Do not think that you will be able to defeat me so easily! [img]http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Fire_7bb323_1140082.gif[/img] [/quote] [url]https://youtu.be/IVajui035JY?t=1m57s[/url] "My memory may fail me Calcifer, but was it not with but a mere utterance did I erase you? Perhaps, you have forgotten your place, come let me remind you of what we have merely allowed to happen..." X, Passive-Aggressive Badass.