[center]Edict thinks for a moment. [i]Aezophyl... Demon... Fire...[/i] Edict's thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the young guy attacking the demon. "[b]Fucking idiot! Gno-... Tirarian! Get inside the inn! Save innocents! Oh, and take this.[/b]" Edict yells as he tosses the satchel of powder he used earlier to the Gnome. "[b]Xusin. I know you're not helpless. Flank left. Attack when you feel it's right, got it? And for god's sake don't be a dumbass and get killed.[/b]", at this point Edict is barking orders. Tossing a small bag at Maria he barks, "[b]There's more than enough gold in that bag. Now if anyone comes out of that inn you heal them got it?[/b] ", if Maria were to open the bag she'd find a small fortune in gold. Having set up a plan, the Witch Hunter springs into action. He draws his sword and throws a magic-draining dagger towards Aezophyl's helmet. Using a combination of the dagger and the young guy's frontal assault as a distraction, Edict flanks to the right, runs full sprint at the demon, slashes at the right knee of the pyromancer then proceeds to flip backwards a few feet and raise his shield.[/center]