[@jorthon] [color=0054a6]"I know some... Although I've only fought the rare lynx, fox, or bear that seldom wandered into the camp while we were away from home."[/color] he said rubbing his ear remembering almost being slitted by the bear's claws. An shiver passed through his body remembering the scene. [color=003471]"Although all I can remember from that is a bunch of hair and blood... but it might have... been mine."[/color] Daniel said frowning. [color=2e3192] The day had been like any other, Scarlet and I had woke early that morning before either of their parents. They had decided to sneak out of camp and go for a swim. We had never been allowed to swim without supervision before and they hadn't been since the incident.The lake was cool and shallow with a small island in the middle of it. After about fifteen or so we... decided to check the island out alone. The island was rather small no more than a few miles in diameter. We explored most of it but there was a cave... I just had to go in. If I wasn't so stupid we would never have gone in but... AUGH!! The cave wasn't empty. I would have died if Scarlet hadn't had run for help..." [/color] Although he hadn't known Harry long Daniel knew he could trust him with this embarrassing secret of last summer's excursion.