The GEAR engaged by Adrian was the same one that had jump-jetted over the rooftops to land in the street adjacent to its' fellows. The hares' flanking manoeuver had been well-time, and the collision jarred the unwary pilot and his machine. As he turned to try and face the sleek form of Keel's machine, the rounds fired impacted and the Imperial GEAR jerked backward, convulsing with the shots and firing off a wild burst from its' own short carbine in reply, before it toppled backward, faltering and barely mobile. Aihara's charge as he emerged onto the scene finished off the stricken machine, even as it made an attempt to half-heartedly fight back. Sparks and lubricant erupted from the holes in the hostile machines frame as it collapsed against the front of a building, running lights dying out with a sudden snap, and its' form going limp. The one-armed GEAR that the IFV had hit was doing a good job of holding its' own while the still intact one backed it up. As soon as the smoke had cleared from the hits, it retaliated by blasting the wheeled vehicle apart with a barrage of unguided rockets. A sweep of minigun fire from its' head-mounts cleared the rooftop of the infantry as well. Before it could do much else, Mike took care of the GEAR providing it with cover fire in a brutally efficient display of hand-to-hand GEAR combat. The last Imperial GEAR in their section of street was fenced in; Mike, Silver and Adrian surrounded it on three sides, with more friendly troops closing in, and Ken and Dane overhead. And the only other remaining friendly was engaged in combat with Aihara. Their plan had failed, spectacularly, despite the damage inflicted on the local forces, and on the Roughriders; though they had come through relatively unscathed. The Imperial machine popped its' own smoke and decoys, skidding back along a side-street and loosing off cover fire as it attempted to break contact, seeing discretion as the better part of valour. Blade continued to dig at the rubble, only to stop as he uncovered the medical GEARs' hatch, seeing it pop outward, and Aidan following, his message reaching a few moments later. [quote]"I'm out and I'm on my feet. I'm fine." He uttered again, taking a quick look around the room he was in. "The GEAR's dead, don't bother with it. I'll try to find my way to the warehouse."[/quote] "Roger. Good you're on your feet," he replied. "Warehouse is that way," he pointed with the GEARs hand, "Two streets over. Kellia should be waitin' fire team is en route. We'll be relocatin' ta give ya cover as soon as we pin down that last Imp". [quote][/quote] "Roger, form up on me, Nawlin. Let's go huntin'. Aihara, that GEAR that just zipped outta here was the commander; good thought on the antennae an' gear. You an' Keel stick together and sweep round. We'll try an' outflank 'im. Irry, drive down the same alley he took an' keep the jammin' up". [quote] "Skyhawk to Silver, sir we can engage and stall that unidentified air if you want us to. Uhm I got a couple reserve missiles and all rockets accounted for that can do the job. IF not we'll hang back where we are now then quickly move forward for the killshots when you guys hold you your end of the plan."[/quote] Blade hesitated at the message; Ken was the most capable asset they had to fend off any aerial attack, even if it was something in the order of a fighter or bomber, he stood more chance than the GEARs as they were currently equipped (even with anti-air armaments, an enemy aircraft could hit them from miles away). But his overwatch and ability to strike with near-impunity was valuable to the operation. Redirecting him might make them vulnerable when whatever was hiding in the warehouse made its' appearance. But if it was their support that was coming, or an exfil, hitting it now could make all the difference. "Check out that air target," he said at length, making up his mind. "Yer the best thing we got ta take care of it right now. But watch yerself - we got no idea what we're up against yet!" That said, he wheeled the [i]Harlock[/i] to Mike's side, and scooted around the end street of the block, intending to cut off the fleeing Imperial GEARs' escape. Meanwhile, the ATV skidded through the streets recently vacated by the fighting, the smell of smoke heavy in the air. Ed slalomed the light vehicle around potholes and craters, it leaning heavily on its' bouncy suspension with each slew of the wheel. He virtually drifted the machine around the corner, keeping the speed up as he moved. They flashed past the shapes of the teams' GEARs, Silverwinds' machine giving them a V-sign as they passed, and Ed honking the horn in reply, before he weaved through an alley, passing Aidan in the process and slowing down, before he skidded to a stop at Kellias' position. The young mink gave a start as the vehicle and its' heavily armed and armoured passengers came to a stop alongside her. She looked alarmed, before seeing the LDF insignia on the side of the vehicle, along with the Roughriders own unit patch on their shoulders. "Over here," she called as she stood up from behind the car Silverwind had appropriated earlier. "I'm Kellia, the fox with one eye, he said you'd be coming." She pointed to the warehouse. "I've found several entrances; but the best way to approach might be through the sewer. The sensor net down there is disabled, and it leads into a basement, according to the plans. Might be where they're keeping the princess!" *** "The Imperial GEAR unit has been wiped out, or rendered ineffective. Local forces will undoubtedly be turning on us next. Orders?" The white tiger kept his expression neutral as the darkness of his cockpit surrounded him. He closed his eyes, and there was a brief moment of discomfort and disorientation before his senses expanded into the enhanced reality of his GEAR coming online. "Impressive," he remarked simply. "Almost a shame that they'll have to be destroyed if they get in our way. Move out, head to the edge of the settlement and rendezvous with the [i]Quetzl[/i]. We have what we need for now." The other GEARs of the Cell moved out, much more fluid and smooth than the almost clunky and toy-like machines of the LDF and especially the Imperials. He felt the feedback as he clenched the GEARs left fist, and smoothly set into motion, jogging across the floor and breaking through the wall of the warehouse with barely a hesitation to his movement. The remainder of their unit would stay behind; their personal armour and weapons on foot would be more than enough to counter any troops the enemy sent in. Not to mention, there was still data here that was valuable they needed to dispose of. After that, they could exfiltrate easily, seeping away into the Badlands. His unit of six GEARs had the info that was essential - and as soon as he was in range of the [i]Quetzl[/i] - moments, at least - it would be send back to the Core with ease. Their sleek, graceful shapes moved out of the warehouse and into the dwindling light of the evening. They looked alien among the architecture of the Landren town; he was much more used to seeing [URL=]their graceful, long-limbed and angular shapes[/URL] among the aesthetically similar surroundings of the cities of the South. "Spread out," he ordered through the commnet link, his commands send in the flash of an instant, the jamming provided by the LDF GEAR barely of consequence to their systems. "Be wary of the LDF force; they may be more primitive, and our machines superior, but we are [i]not[/i] invicible. Deal with them only if necessary". A chorus of affirmatives came back as the sextet spread out, foot thrusters sending them skating over the terrain as they headed away from the combat zone. A vehicle of some kind took a shot at him; he speared it with a dismissive beam from his left arms' laser, shearing the turret off as he moved through the buildings. This was going to be easy. *** Back at the street, Silverwind slammed the [i]Harlock[/i] into a skidding, weaving turn around the last corner, covering Mike as he moved. The vulpine growled as he found his sights on the enemy GEAR... and thumped the side of the cockpit with one fist as he noted the command GEAR was in a kneeling, 'disembark' posture. The hatch was open, and smoke curling from the insides showed that the canny Imperial commander had torched his own machine with Thermite charges and elected to escape on foot. He was about to comment when the radio blurted into life. "-ostile GEARs, not like any we've seen. They're fast, and their armour is-shit!" the radio cut off with a squeal, and the rumble of an explosion reached their ears a moment later. Whoever had been hiding in the warehouse, they were making their move.