[h1][color=deeppink]Emilia Marrek[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7f/a0/81/7fa081f4499e667f026bdc4a2505b8cd.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/6f/34/236f3420a873099c8addbe06920660e5.jpg[/img] We were called the Rangers before they killed them and left me alone to escape their grasp and wander until they found me again. I can remember hunting in the Rockie Mountains; we moved all through Montana and Wyoming, Colorado and even up into British Columbia. It was all ours and it was rare that we would run into another pack. At times we would meet up with the Silver Claws when we were in Montana for a time; there was a man older than me though I never really got to know many of them. I wish I had now; I might have been able to find them and get away before they found me and took me away from the resting place of my pack. I was a Delta in my pack and content with it; I wasn’t too high or too low and never went ignored or unappreciated. I was nineteen when they took me; it’s been three years since they told me when I asked; that makes me twenty-two. I tried my best when they came for us; I fought with a savagery I wasn’t even sure I had been capable of them. I was always kind to the pups, making sure their mother and they were fed before I hunted for myself. I was open and others said I was cute and innocent though I fear that that may all be gone now. I haven’t felt anything for months; not a sliver of hope or anger. Sometimes I black out and the doctors tell me I went berserk the next day; I find wounds that only I or another wolf could have inflicted though I’ve never seen another wolf here close enough to be able to touch. They’re beyond the glass. I see their anger and despair though I feel nothing anymore. I fear that if someone were to come to rescue me now that I would be nothing but a husk of what I was. I suppose fear may not be the correct word. I was born deep in the mountains, away from human society – or rather, I was pupped; my mother was the wolf when my siblings and I were born though I was the only one who survived the pupping and learned to shift to the human child I was supposed to be. We survived, taken care of by her mate – the alpha male – and others of the pack until she was well enough to hunt again and I was old enough to begin learning. They took me down into Montana, toward the human cities were I learned to blend in while at the same time learning to be the wolf I was meant to be. It was a long lesson; one that couldn’t save me from them because they knew my weaknesses. I met the Silver Claw’s several times while we were in Montana, I made friends with one of the boys around my age but we left and I don’t think I ever saw him again – if I did I didn’t recognize him, not his scent or his appearance. The hunters came while we were close to town in Colorado, gathering supplies; they weren’t supposed to be that close and I tried my hardest to save those I can. I killed more than I thought I should ever had to, and it was all in the name of protecting them. Then I got shot and they thought I was dead; they left me there among the bodies of my friends and family – my pack and I was done. I would have died, but a man saved my life and let me mourn. With a vengeance I hunted hunters until I was finally captured and brought to the laboratory. You know the rest after that.