[b]@All [/b] [b]Two changes here as we move toward alpha. I'm changing the name for the branched regions of the World Tree to Phyllan or Phyllosphere to mirror the actual botanical terms better. I am also swapping phylloxerans for cicadas as the later are more widely known and more closely associated with trees. [/b] @Pathfinder That's acceptable but integrating your character into the group will be challenging as you basically have a sign over your head based on your description that says 'HERE TO START BLIGHT.' It's good, just want you to know it won't be an easy character to play given that much of the game will take place in the phyllosphere (especially at the start). [quote=@I Own Cows] Can't decide if I want to do something with a snake or a turtle. [/quote] No tree turtles :-P Has to be based of an arboreal animal. Many snake species work.