[Center] Ferrero Mall 26/4/2015 Mid afternoon [/center] Rikimaru played for a while more before heading home. When he did get home, he was happy to be alone. Being around people was more draining than it should have been. Without a word he went up to his room when stayed there for the rest of the day. [Center] Ferrero Mall 27/4/2015 [/center] Golden week was commerce gone wild, and why he didn't really understand it, he was a fan of it. There wasn't anything he really wanted or needed but buying something for the old folks, his mental name for his aunt and uncle, might go along way in helping his standing. Anything was worth a shot at this point. His first order was business was getting something to eat. He would need find a place where he could eat in private, or at least where he wouldn't stand out. After getting his food which seem to take forever, he found a spot where he thought he would be safe. So far out of the way that Rikimaru even felt safe taking off his mask. Resting his head in his hand, using his hand to cover up the part of his face he didn't want anyone to see. He had a great view of every thing that was going on. Even what looked like some sort of a commotion. Rikimaru missed the opening salvoes and wasn't really sure what was going but why mkas a good fight? He quickly put down his food and got his mask on. He was in such a hurry he didn't even both to try to keep it covered up. He was only half way finished with his meal so after getting his mask on Rikimaru brought it with him. If worse comes to worse he could throw it at someone to get an edge. "Everything okay?" He asked when he walked up. Food was in both hands as he tried to put the pieces together of what was going on. There was a chuckle that slipped out when the klutz came. Today was gonna be a good day.