[center][h3][color=82ca9d]Francis Newman[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/58/c3/1a/58c31a96fce47a481721a6e2e66be6f3.jpg[/img][/center] [color=82ca9d][u]Basic Information[/u][/color] [color=82ca9d]Name:[/color] Francis "Notso" Newman [color=82ca9d]Call sign:[/color] "Notso" [color=82ca9d]ID TAG:[/color] 217828 [color=82ca9d]Gender:[/color] Male [color=82ca9d]Appearance:[/color] Francis is a handsome man with a broad face green eyes and dark skin, he is also of African Descent. His genealogy suggests that his ancestors are partially Caucasians who were originally from Ireland and Germany and while most of his ancestors seem to rest originate from Eastern Africa and the Middle East. [hider=Francis's character] [color=82ca9d][u]Personality Traits/Psychological Analysis[/u][/color] [color=82ca9d]Psychological Record:[/color] Francis throughout the academy is known to be a very incisive, analytical person and is presumed to have an extremely high mental capacity as he is known for having a great memory and problem solving abilities. However, being as it may, Francis is also known for at times (like most children) as a boastful and reckless person when it comes to people as he sometimes can be noted for being insensitive and intellectually crude to others who stand in his way. As intelligent as he may be, there are several character flaws to this seemingly 'perfect soldier', as is the same for most of the initiates at Hoama. In Francis's case, he appears to have obsessive compulsions at times, being observed (like many every child in the institution are) by psychologists who watched him and soon began to take notes of his pathological profile but never truly saw these flaws in his character that might get in the way of his training. Graphologically, Francis seems to write very clean and organized as he is left-handed but occasionally writes with his right which seems to suggest that he is internally very disciplined and organized. Francis also appears to only want to walk in a number which is divisible by three and tends to occasionally widen his steps to make it not seem as noticeable, this of course pertains to his possible OCD as he also appears to have a wide interest in numbers especially the number 3 in which he tends only to write the page numbers in his journal by. In his journal, Francis also at times writes (as he also does to his friends) about his pet peeves regarding people and situations typically involving an incident with other students. In one incident, he got into a fight with other initiates over an argument over who had better tactics which resulted in name calling. Francis appears to have the typical 'it's not my fault, it's theirs. I'm always right, they're wrong. I'm the one being oppressed by these people' like behavior as he seems to defend himself whenever authoritative figures tend to ask him his motives as he can sometimes lie over small incidents to protect himself. [i]Francis displays and expresses acts of affection to others yet self-doubts and questions his own motives at times, on top of often being noted as a pathological liar at times as he became older in order to protect himself from appearing weak. Despite being extremely intelligent, Francis seems to become neglectful when it comes to people as he also has a tendency of writing emails, perpetuating his annoyances to others and yet never putting the blame to himself, this is what we can consider someone with a paranoid personality disorder which explains the constant reoccurance of falsely being victimized by others who seek to 'destroy him' as he puts it in his journals. Individuals such as Francis with a Paranoid Personality Disorder grow up having excessive distrust and suspiciousness of others. We also take into consideration his inability to emphasize with others, like most of the children bred into the academy, children have a harder time emphasizing with others compared to normal children mainly due to their disciplines in the school, but Francis seems to stand out more than others. His appearing unintentional insensitivity towards others is a behavior in which we may associate with Asperger's Syndrome although we are not in the right to diagnose him, as appears to be very neurotypical in his behaviors despite the small idiosyncrasies including his obsessive compulsions at times or being unintentionally inconsiderate of his peer's emotions, this maybe due his medications when he was younger. Despite this, Francis seems to be a somewhat normal-functioning initiate and none of these tend to stand in the way of his training. He is a top-notch soldier who will most likely become great in the eyes of his teachers despite the character flaws.[/i] -From the reports of several observing psychologists. [color=82ca9d]The First Ten Years:[/color] From infancy to early toddler-hood, Francis seemed to develop normally despite having sensitive hearing and a sensitivity to light but had a 20/20 eye sight; He was also happy and engaging as a infant. Although growing up, Francis seemed to also have developed some difficultly socializing with other children, often going back to his book or running as a way to relieve stress whenever his fellow peers were never there to console with him. Because of this, Francis has become a somewhat bitter person until the age of 8 where we began to make friends with similar interests as him. Francis has deep interests in Mathematics as he is almost obsessed with numbers and mathematical formulas as he also had aspirations to become a professor if he were to ever get kicked out of the institution. However, since he's stayed, Francis's interests are only but hobbies as he is also very educated in Game Theory and Tactics, also being a profoundly decent chess player. This grabbed the attention of several observing psychologists who noted his behavior and thought of him as a genius who could most likely benefit the institution as a mathematician or a strategist, but Francis wanted to be a soldier for that time ever came. He then was from there on, a 'noted soldier' as psychologists soon began to observe his interesting behavior. Apart being antisocial, Francis was able to make a few close friends among acquainted, soon-to-be comrades who shared interests as he did and was regarded as his friends as intelligent. However, Francis was also regarded as a 'unmercifully, sharp-tongued ass' according to other classmates as he is at times pessimistic and unsympathetic, often saying things too honestly or harshly as he is also unaware of these implications. Despite this, his friends were possibly the only ones who could understand him. That was until at the age of 9 where he witnessed two friends die of heat-stroke and from there on it seemed that Francis was mentally scarred, leaving him almost friendless. This inevitable incident, seems to have made him a somewhat pessimistic person and soon became distrusting of other people as he is at times betrayed by other students. After this tragedy, Francis became as many might call it: a very disciplined, almost unemotional soldier. As he is now considered ready to further his training (assuming he's still ten). [/hider] [hider=Francis as a soldier] [color=82ca9d][u]Roles[/u][/color] [color=82ca9d]Cybernetic Augmentations:[/color] Francis has been injected with several cybernetic augmentations in order to better himself in his position. These include: -A far more keen eye sight which made amends to his sensitive hearing as well as giving him night-vision -Like most initiates, he was given a muscle-mass augmentation -Being a sniper, Francis was also given a central nervous stimulate to prevent in order to hit his targets with precise accuracy -A bronchial enhancement which expanded his lung capacity in order to run greater distances [color=82ca9d]Combat Role:[/color] Scout Sniper. [hider=In Uniform] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/e54d/th/pre/f/2009/176/e/5/await_the_sniper_by_shimmering_sword.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=82ca9d]Other information regarding skills:[/color] Francis seems to also have a natural ability to calculate when and where his bullets will precisely hit a target. This is may be due to his Cybernetic Augmentations but his skills to do so are almost impeccable, he is a well-planned strategist and can almost easily outwit a vast majority of people. [color=82ca9d]Load-out: [/color] -The Tactical Engagement Device -two Hawk MK III -Two smoke grenades -Two fragmentation grenades -Combat Knife -Medical gel injector [/hider]