Autumn gave the red-headed man another smile as he accepted Garry. She took her bunny back, happy he made someone else feel better. She heard Name offer for everyone to join them for breakfast but they all seemed to be busy. Autumn smelled something on the air and she realized it was the pancakes. She squeaked and raced back into the room and into the kitchen. Smoke was rising up from pan and Autumn gasped, frantically pushing a chair in front of the stove and scrambling on top of it. She grabbed the spatula and lifted the pancake from the pan. She wrinkled her nose at the burnt smell before placing the food on a plate. As she did her elbow knocked into the pan and sent it falling to the floor. The child's eyes widened and she grabbed for it, eyes widening when she felt her body tip forward to far. She gasped as gravity dragged her towards the floor and right onto the hot pan. Her small arm landed on it and she cried out in pain, scrambling away as tears filled her eye. Aiden raced to the door and began tugging on Name's coat in panic.