[hider=Summary] -Invidia slays a dragon using incredible Master Yoda-esque skills -Invidia almost dies to Sauranath but is saved by Escre -Escre incarnates and becomes Mortemulta Escre, his combat forme, and stands off against Sauranath -Escre calls for other gods who would judge Sauranath for his actions [/hider] [center]-=-=Invidia, the Liaison=-=-[/center] Only a few steps away from the doors of the summit now, Invidia sensed that something was terribly wrong. He opened wide the eye in his chest, and though its normal vision was obscured by his robes of brown, its magic vision pierced cloth and cloud alike to witness the visage of a god. For a moment, Invidia could not believe its eye. Terrifyingly close, a monumental form, winged and fanged, bore down on the building with murderous intent. By the time that the others around him, those of mundane sight, were able to see the fifty-one incoming dragons, Invidia had slipped an item from his robe and attached it to the head of his cane. No longer a mere walking aid, the implement now clutched by the outsider was a war axe, its blade a bony chip of the Planet Core, and the greatest of all mortal-made axes. There was no time to call for aid, no time to organize a defense, and no time to pray...every second the Liaison had left would be used to fight. But first, Invidia dove to the side to avoid the incoming lunge of a being his eye marked as the dragon god. He watched, not daring to challenge a High One, as Sauranath landed on one of the men who'd been at the delegates, apologized with cruel sarcasm, and tore him apart. Invidia hadn't long to dread, however, as a skeletal dragon bore down on him for the kill. A crunch of red in the hero's hand was the only signal that an extra-large blood sponge had been consumed. Shrieking like only an outsider could, Invidia sprang into the air straight toward the bone dragon, who'd mistaken the predator for the prey. The Liaison, fueled by rushing blood, swung his war axe and cleaved the head of the dragon in two. Its weak spot obliterated, the body fell apart, and Invidia returned to the ground in a shower of bone and blood. At that moment, however, the streets turned to fire. Invidia fell back from the roaring dragonflame, leaning on his war axe to keep himself standing. The pumping of his blood had accelerated the Anju venom within him, not enough to cause permanent harm, but enough to hurt abominably. Not knowing that the great tree Orabil would momentarily wipe away the scourging fire, Invidia cried out, feeling for the first time fear, the fear of dying once again. [i]”Great Spirit, save me!”[/i] No sooner had the words resonated from Invidia's head than the ground around him cracked, and from the seams spewed a froth of lifeblood that formed a bubble around the outsider to keep him safe. Minutes passed, the Liaison shielded from fire but unable to see or hear beyond his barrier. Then, finally, the blood ebbed, and Invidia saw that the world had changed. Darkness covered the landscape. The stars twinkled fitfully in the vault of heaven, and the sun was gone. Looked out over the torched ruins of Orabson, Invidia sought in vain the great tree Orabil, beacon of life and monolith to time. Instead, he found only a smoldering husk, identifiable only by the flames that coated it even now, and something inside Invidia broke. It didn't matter that he knew the Sanguine Communion could survive on lifeblood, or that any one of the other High Ones could restore light to the world. What caused a single tear to form in the outsider's scarlet eye was the fact that the universe could host beings who lusted after nothing but thoughtless destruction, the annihilation of life, peace, intelligence, and prosperity. That tear dribbled down across Invidia's carapace and stained the blackened soil. [h3][center]The lamentations of the world were heard loud and clear[/center][/h3] Across the sky, light began to dance. A stream of particles, white and purple, rushing through the air—a glorious aurora. It was no sun, and it was no great tree, but this Empyrean Flow thrummed with the same brand of power that dwelt deep beneath Galbar's surface, where the heart of the planet beat. Under their nourishing gleam, crops would be able to grow even at night, and the darkness would diminish almost enough to be called twilight. It could give mankind a chance. For now, however, the Empyrean Flow deviated. A portion of it struck off from the sky and wound around the ruin of the great tree, coalescing and exhuming and forming patterns ever more eldritch. A sound crept across the earth, a haunting tune. It grew in fervor and pitch just as the Flow picked up speed and strength, faster and faster and stronger and stronger and wilder and wilder and no less cosmic, no less horrible, and no less lethal to the pathetic creatures that called themselves gods as to those they had carved and labeled as less! And then there were two. Across from the great dragon, so resplendent and savage in his cataclysmic conquest, another being stood, more quiet than death and far larger than life. In the perfect silence, only a single tune beat in time to the pulse of the colossal figure's light: [i]thump-thump....thump-thump[/i]...the heartbeat of the planet. But who wasn't to say that it wasn't the heartbeat of all creation? The titan stood, ominous and fearless, for its was an eternal force. The shroud of darkness blanketed Galbar grew weak above its head, and an otherworldly luster shone down upon its gargantuan [url=http://pre14.deviantart.net/4af2/th/pre/i/2011/170/4/9/the_magister_by_shuzong-d3jajcb.jpg]form[/url]. [i][b][color=C0C0C0]“You have disobeyed Their purpose,”[/color][/b][/i] it resonated. [i][b][color=C0C0C0]”Let those assemble who judge this one unworthy.”[/color][/b][/i] [i][center]Might 8 MP – 1 MP spent to create the Empyrean Flow. 3 MP spent to incarnate Mortemulta. 4 MP remain 2 FP – 2 FP remain Inherent powers used to protect Invidia[/center][/i]