[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/75c2/i/2014/306/1/0/paradise__i_am_coming____by_kimonas-d3lf6cs.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Samantha Aviram [b]Call sign:[/b] Seraphim [b]ID TAG:[/b] 220677 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Psychological Record:[/b] Sam is first and foremost an optimist. It takes a tremendous amount of effort to bring her down, as she is constantly looking for a way to keep her head up. She’s rarely seen without a smile on her face, and her knack for jokes often keeps those around her in good spirits as well. But it is her motivation and ambition that keeps her going behind her optimistic outlook. She strives to be better each day that she wakes up, and is immensely proud of her standing in life. Consequently, her mental fortitude is remarkable, making Sam an almost unbreakable figure mentally and emotionally. However, this tends to blur the lines of respect and command for Sam, as she can sometimes believe that her way of doing something is better than how she’s told to do it. [b]The First Ten Years:[/b] For the most part, Sam was pretty much on par with the majority of Alpha. However, it was her knack for computer sciences and martial arts that caused her to stand out. On the tech side, Sam displayed a natural affinity for all things computer, be it software or hardware. On the martial arts side, she was often the first to master the physical and combative demands, though the disciplinary demands of martial arts were sometimes lost to her. She adopted the optimism and ambition of many martial arts, but failed to wrap her head completely around order and discipline. As such, Sam often had to be set straight, as her confidence got the best of her and brought her out of line. This led directly into Sam falling behind in combat tactics and in operating within a team strategically. [b]Cybernetic Augmentations:[/b] Sam’s most important augmentation is the neural implant placed in her head that basically makes her a walking computer access terminal. The neural work is extensive, and works in tandem with the robotic left eye she’s been given in order to maximize effectiveness. When Sam “plugs into” a computer, a display pops up in her left eye, organizing any files or programs within, and allows her thoughts to translate directly into the computer. She can plug into two different computers or devices at a time, allowing her to transfer files or facilitate the employment of a virus or any other kind of software into a computer, all through the use of her eye. In order to plug in, the neural implant includes a port in the back of Sam’s head. It is considered a vulnerability, but due to the nature of the GRAM Assault Armor and the Daedelus Initiative, if anyone besides Sam can access the port, Sam’s probably dead anyways. When she isn’t plugged in, Sam’s eye allows a HUD to be displayed over her standard vision, removing the need of any kind of visor-implemented HUD. However, the eye does nothing to enhance vision any more than the genetic augments allowed, as further ocular enhancement would overtask the cybernetics in her head and likely melt her brain. Fun stuff. [b]Combat Role:[/b] CQC + Cyber Warfare To clarify, Sam’s cyber warfare role is much more hands on, focused on local disruption of any enemy tech when ranged access fails. Combined with her close quarters expertise, Sam excels at manually accessing enemy tech and taking control of it or disrupting it in any way possible. [b]Loadout:[/b] [hider=Lupus Storm XMVII] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/7f47/f/2014/082/3/2/stormion_s_lupus_carbine_by_storm_x-d703cu1.jpg[/img] The Lupus Storm XMVII, commonly known as the “Lupus X7,” is a prototype carbine developed specifically for the Daedalus Initiative. Effective at a range of no more than 100 m. due to its rate of fire of 1500 rounds per minute, the X7 fires so quickly and with such force that superhuman strength, dexterity, and reflexes are absolutely required for practical use. The Lupus X7 fills the close- to mid-range gaps left by the ARR-221; while the ARR was an effective adaptive weapon system, Lupus sought to create a weapon that simply excelled in CQC. The X7 meets and exceeds such requirements, thus providing a solution for soldiers looking for an edge in close quarters. [/hider] Sam also carries a BS-MKV and two Hawke MK III’s. Her non-combat equipment includes a variety of tech, including devices that give her neural implant access to any kind of computer or tech, various EMP devices, and other gear.