The sudden flood of light was blinding, forcing Alice to squeeze her eyes shut and turn her head. Opening one eye just in time to see the officer reach for her, the mask slid back into place. No emotion was present on the girl's face, she just stared up into the guards' faces as they leered and plotted how to take advantage of her. The gunshots from her father's pistol made her ears ring, but her body didn't have the energy to flinch, instead Alice just stood there, seeming completely vacant. The muscles in her arms burned and rebelled once they were released from the cuffs, having been strained back behind her for the last six hours. Slowly her eyes came to focus on the face of the man who she so closely resembled, but she couldn't hear what was being said over the ringing and the pounding of the pulse in her ears, so she just looked up at him, attempting to read his lips. Drawing her eyebrows towards one another was as much as she could muster to show she wasn't comprehending what was going on. The sound of the howls from the other prisoners was slowly making its way into her ears as her hearing slowly returned. "I..." Alice started, her mind in a fog. Stepping down off from the outcropping of stones in the corner, she stumbled, crashing into her father. The lifeless bodies of the guards jogged something in her mind and suddenly what Sebastian was trying to ask her made sense. They needed to leave. Someone would have heard the gunshots and would likely be investigating soon. Drawing on the last bit of strength and energy she had left, Alice pulled herself together and began walking towards the mouth of the cell, her movements reminiscent of someone who had been drinking a little too much. ------------------------------------------- Stumbling backwards a few steps, Elijah grabbed Josephine's arms before she had time to pull them back after the shove. Yanking her off balance, he spun and forced her against the wall. Leaning in close, he bared his teeth at her, "It was never a secret." Pinning her arms down, he tried to seem as intimidating as possible to get the officers to pay more attention to him than the noises coming from down the hall. "Maybe I wouldn't have to go looking for it somewhere else if you would just shut yer trap every once in a while and just take it!" The tone of his voice startled even himself as he snapped at Josephine. He would have to apologize for it later, but for the time being, they had to keep the guards distracted until they had Alice free.