[Nico & Jace & Katie] As the trio entered the Cafeteria, Jace surveyed the room for an open table somewhere for everyone to sit at. Nico looked around to see what groups were forming. [i]Better be cautious, who knows what the other students are thinking now that they have seen blood and death up close and personal.[/i] Nico thought, eyeing the students who appeared to be seated by themselves. [i]So many people, which ones are going to target me.[/i] Katie thought, tensing at the sight of a large group of people “Let’s get some food and find a table that isn’t crowded.” Jace said glancing discreetly at Katie. [i]She doesn’t seem to like being around large groups of people, good to know.[/i] He noted. [i]He picked up on it too, maybe he would make a good ally here, so long as he didn’t lie about having morals.[/i] Nico thought. “Sounds good, try not to get on anyone’s bad side.” he added. “Ok..” Katie said, relaxing visably. [i]Jace seems like a nice guy, but Nico seems a little to sure of himself, but he might just be used to being around people who don’t know as much as he does or something like that.[/i] The three split up and went to different counters for food. [hr] [Jace] Jace got a short line for a counter that was for making your own burger. Jace placed a burger onto a roll and put a slice of cheddar cheese, bacon, onion rings, and barbeque sauce on top. [i]Now for a drink.[/i] He thought, satisfied at his burger. He approached the drink counter and opted to get a bottle of water. Once he had his meal put together, Jace found a table that was unoccupied and sat down and glanced around for the others. [hr] [Katie] Katie glanced around at the available foods and went to a counter that offered macaroni and cheese. [i]It isn’t Dad’s homemade, but it’ll do.[/i]Katie thought, feeling a little home sick. Katie got a small serving and got a bottle of iced tea and started to look for Nico and Jace. [hr] [Nico] Nico looked around at his options for food. [i]Hm......what do I feel like getting to eat......[/i]Nico pondered. He caught sight of a seafood counter and got in line. Nico got an order of shrimp and chips and a bottle of green tea. [i]Maybe I should bring something for the others...[/i]Nico thought. He got four crab cakes to share and noticed Katie looking around and made his way over to her. [hr] [Nico & Katie] As Nico got over to Katie, he called out to her. Katie heard her name and turned to see Nico approaching. “Do you see where Jace is?” She asked, turning to look back toward the tables. “I think I see him over there.” Nico said, pointing toward a table that jace appeared to be at. “Lets go over then.” Katie said, starting to move in that direction [i]Well, she seems to be getting over her fear of crowds nicely, not sure that it would have been a problem anyway, given how many people died in about half an hour....[/i]Nico thought, following Katie.