[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjk2NmFkNy5WbWxqZEc5eWFXRWdWMlZ6ZEEsLC4wAAAA/angel-tears.trial.png[/img] [color=MediumPurple]"Yes, auntie,"[/color] Victoria said quietly, picking her way across the street towards the glow of lanterns and the buzz of people. [color=MediumPurple]"Yes, I'm—no. Yes, I'm going to the festival. No, I didn't, you were asleep—yes, auntie. Yes. Auntie, alright, I'm going now—goodnight!"[/color] She hung up with a huff, sliding her phone into her pocket and hurrying forward. Her aunt was...eccentric. Nine times out of ten, she was passed out in her room and completely uninterested in what Victoria was doing; the one time she woke up, she was an overbearing freak. Victoria had been hearing about the year's end festival all year—it would be her first, since she'd only recently moved to Teneber. She was excited, even if she'd gotten separated from her friends on her way in. Her knee high boots crunched over the gravel as she slipped into the thick of the festival. She wore a chunky, long knit sweater with large buttons dotting the front, open over a tight tank top and fitted skinny jeans. Her makeup had been carefully crafted to look soft and natural in the warm light of the lanterns, her eyebrows and lips darkened, hair wrapped up into an artfully messy bun. Her favorite gold jewelry flashed at her neck and ears. She had much flashier outfits in her closet, but she really just wanted to look pretty AND comfortable. She nodded to those she knew as she passed—quite a few people, both from and not from school. She bypassed the carnival games—they were no fun playing solo, but maybe she'd find a partner later—and her eyes lit on the food from afar. Tossing a smile to a blonde boy picking out popcorn, she selected a caramel apple and paid quickly, settling quietly onto a stool, watching the crowd. Her eyebrows raised at the shrieking noise that suddenly burst from the High Striker across the street. She smiled at the thought of it being broken on its first use, and her eyes caught the man responsible's. She raised her candy apple to him in a mocking toast as his gaze slid away. [color=MediumPurple]"You ever see a thing like that?"[/color] she laughed to no one in particular, voice holding an ever so slight London accent.